
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Did he or did he not ?


Two years ago, the son of Israel Wallas was taken to hospital, as he suffered from severe injuries. After a few days, the baby boy died. The police questioned Wallas, as the suspicion arouse that he had caused the death of his little son. The father, on the other hand, claimed that he had dropped the baby by accident. The result was that Israel Wallas got arrested.

It was around Pessach and I still remember the wild demonstrations in Mea Shearim / Ge'ulah. Garbage cans were burning and certain Chassidim demanded that the "Zionist" police has no right to arrest Wallas. Then, the case became rather famous in Israel because Israel Wallas is a member of the Toldot Aharon.

Four months ago, Judge Channah ben Ami accused Wallas of causing the death of his son. In the meantime, Rabbis and other public figures appeared in court in order to testify in favour of the accused. Among them were the former Belzer Knesset Member Israel Eichler and the present Knesset Member Me'ir Porush. Both representatives from the "Agudat Israel" received harsh criticism, as they were seen as someone protecting a child molester.

Israel Wallas in court.

In the meantime, Israel Wallas and his wife had another child and the prosecution demanded to take the child away from the young family. However, the courts decision was that the newborn child can stay with its parents, as they are not considered a danger to the newborn.

Today the court announced its verdict:
Six years in jail plus two years on probation for Israel Wallas !!!
It is expected that Wallas will now appeal to the Supreme Court in order to cancel the verdict.


When the baby died and Wallas got arrested, the haredi world had a lot to say about the case. Many people consider Wallas guilty, as he obviously wanted to rest and the crying baby bothered him.
The young mother was taken aside and never appeared in public.

Nobody can say what really happend and the verdict is probably based on evidence. However, I always wondered why thousands of people speculated about the Wallas family and how the Toldot Aharon are reacting.

But who has ever thought about the baby that died ?


  1. This is very worrying. When a baby dies and violence is suspected the forensic evidence should be carefully examined and followed. Regardless of the reasons, anyone who kills a baby should be locked away--6 years is not enough for a monster like that. Shame on those who cover for him!!

  2. B"H

    I totally agree !

    Especially because the police has already started a new investigation, as there are also signs of child molesting at the newborn baby.

    I don't understand that the chassidic group is not taking some actions.

  3. B"H

    A haredi journalist told me that, according to his opinion, the police are making up a story and that the death of the child was really an accident.

    Furthermore he let me know me that the incident with the child more than two years ago took place in the former Wallas apartment in or near Bar Ilan Street / Jerusalem. Today, the family lives somewhere else in Jerusalem.

    And, Israel Wallas is NOT a member of the Toldot Aharon and everything was just made up by the secular Israeli press.

    So - I don't know what to tellyou anymore, as everyone has a different opinion and proclaims something else.
