
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Events according to the Stars


It is quite common in our times, to interpret certain events according to horoscopes or further different locations of stars etc. Which planet is influencing what and how ?

This is nothing new in history and even Judaism has a lot to say about this subject. There are actually many books dealing with the stars and how they influence G – d's creation (see for instance "Sefer HaBrit" or "Raziel HaMal'ach").
Already Adam HaRishon, Noach or Avraham new the influences of specific stars and their effects.

But doesn't the Talmud let us know that Jews don't depend on horoscopes, stars or anything else but entirely on G - d ?
Just look at Avraham himself. After his name was changed, he had a different Mazal. Jews only depend on G – d even if their horoscope says something completely else. Through Teshuva (repentance) and different ways of behaviour, we are always able to change our Mazal to the better. G – d changed Sarah's and Avraham's Mazal and suddenly they were able to have a child.

Yesterday I discovered a relatively new book ("Sefer Chochmat Israel") on the subject. The author, Rabbi Israel of Rilus, analyzes different worldly events according to the Mazalot. On page 83, we read for instance, that during the "Night of the Broken Glass – Cristal Night), the planet Neptune reached the Mazal Virgin. And Neptune in Virgin usually means something bad is going to happen.

For astrology experts:
Neptune reached Virgin 22ยบ 40'.

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