Fire Arab workers !B"H
The famous litvishe Rabbi from Bnei Brak, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (who is married to a daughter of Rabbi Eliyashiv), is calling upon all Yeshivot to fire their Palestinian workers.
"At the moment, we are at war with the Arabs who live in Israel ! There is no need providing an income for Gentiles but rather for Jews".Countless Yeshivot still employ Arab workers; especially on Shabbat for the cleaning up. Not only litvishe but also chassidic Synagogues and Yeshivot (e.g. the Toldot Aharon or the Toldot Avraham Yitzchak).
Denying someone employment on the basis of their ethnicity is racist. This is racist.
ReplyDeleteHow can you post this without comment?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that this is racism. if the Palestinians want so much their own state, so go and get your own jobs in your own society.
My comment is that I totally agree with Rabbi Kneifsky. After all what we have been going through in this country, religious institutions are the last who need a Palestinian worker. I think they should be an example and start hiring Yeshiva students who need a job and not Arabs because they are cheaper.
ReplyDeleteEspecially Jerusalem has enough experiences with Arab workers. Give them a job in construction, a bulldozer and then they start their new kind of "Bulldozer Attacks" killing Israeli bystanders.
"I don't think that this is racism. if the Palestinians want so much their own state, so go and get your own jobs in your own society."
ReplyDeleteUmmm it may have escaped your attention but they don't have their own state! Even if they did, there are Israeli Arabs who are citizens, the same as you and there are East Jerusalem Arabs who may or may not be annexed to Israel. As for saying all Palestinians are terrorists, that is simply false and poisonous. What you are advocating is firing someone who may be the only bread winner in his family, just because he is an Arab. Utterly heartless and totally racist.
ReplyDeleteAnd it may have escaped your attention that the vast majority of the Palestinian population in the Arab Quarter of Jerusalem keeps a Jordanian and NOT an Israeli passport. Although they have an Israeli ID, they are also Jordanians.
By the way, we Israelis decide who we employ !
The Palestinians do have their own territories. Why don't they work in Ramallah, Jericho, Beit Lechem or Gaza ?
Umm, it may have escaped your attention but there is no such thing as "Palestinians." There are Muslims and Arabs. Last I checked there are more than 50 Muslim states in the world, more than 20 Arab ones, and only one Jewish one. Secondly, a quick perusal of the news will indicate the vast majority of the world's terrorism emanates from Muslim quarters, so Miriam's statement is less racist than realist. And finally, she is not advocating impoverishing the enemy; she's suggesting we take care of our own brothers and sisters.