
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thanks to Toldot Aharon


Important Rabbis in the haredi world are thanking the TOLDOT AHARON for their modesty rules during Sukkot. As I mentioned, the main road in Mea Shearim was divided and men and women had to use different sidewalks. Furthermore, the division took place by a Mechitzah consisting of a plastic curtain.

The following rabbis express their gratitude for the modesty on various Pakshivilim (news posters) in Mea Shearim:

The EDAH HACHAREDIT, Rabbi Yaakov Me'ir Schechter and Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner.


  1. They've done a great service for mankind. Get you cheque books out everyone. This kind of piety don't pay for itself (or work).

  2. B"H

    The modesty rules on Sukkot were far too much, and didn't really work out anyway. Men and women still met and saw each other.
