
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Congress of the "Agudat Israel"


Pictures from the latest congress of the "Agudat Israel" in Bnei Brak.

A few brief details about the "Agudat Israel":
Founded in May 1912 in Upper Silesia.
Different reasons caused the foundation of the Agudah. However, the main interest was to protect Orthodox Judaism from any hostile influences such as Secularism and the Reform Movement as a whole.

Until 1935, the headquarter was located in Frankfurt / Germany but the actual soul of the "Agudat Israel" was in Poland. Chassidut Gur (near Warsaw) had always been the most influential part inside the organization. The "Chafetz Chaim", Rabbi Israel Me'ir Kagan, as well as Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik of Brest - Litovsk (Brisk) were among the supporters. Before the Second World War, one third of Polish Jewry was associated with the "Agudat Israel". Even the women formed an influential group and in 1931, for the first time ever, they discussed their own problems and issues.

Although the Agudah was anti - Zionist, it still included a passive Zionism. In 1923, a "Palestine Office" was opened in Poland and Jews could learn agricultural professions in special training camps. Those professions would enable them to make a living in Israel (then Palestine).

When the "Jewish Agency" was founded in 1929, the "Agudat Israel" didn't join the new Zionist Movement. Instead they reached an agreement with David Ben Gurion when the State of Israel was founded in 1948. All religious matters should remain in the hands of the Orthodox Movement.

Until today, the "Agudat Israel" is taking part in the Knesset. Its own party is called "Yahadut HaTorah" and has five seats at the moment. The strongest figure in the Agudah is still the Chassidut Gur with its representative Yaakov Litzman besides Shmuel Halpert from Chassidut Vishnitz.

The counterpart of the Agudah is the "Edah HaCharedit" from Mea Shearim with groups such as Satmar, parts of Breslov, Brisk, the Toldot Aharon, den Toldot Avraham Yitzchak, Spinka, the Mishkenot HaRoim and the descendants of the original followers of the Vilna Gaon. The Edah mostly considers the Agudah as Zionist traitors, as they take play a role in the Zionist Knesset.

All pictures can be viewd here:


  1. Are they all shomer shabbos?

  2. In the pictures. JOKE!

  3. B"H

    Well, they should be.
    But who knows ...:-)

  4. And I can't see one xmas decoration in those pictures. Not one.:-)

  5. B"H

    Th Xmas decoration belongs to a different article not to the Agudah !

  6. Hiya Miriam,
    I think Anonymous is having some fun with you! :)

  7. B"H

    There are some Anonymous here having fun and even report about beatings which never took place.

    So, what shall I say ? There are all kinds of loonies in this world.:-)
