
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Messianic "Jews" and Anne Frank


Messianic Jews or simply called "Messianics" are a fanatic Christian group claiming to be Jewish and to keep Mitzwot. The only difference to other Jews would be that the Messianics believe in the Christian "Meshiach" J.

First of all, it has to be made very clear that the vast majority of Messianics worldwide are of Christian origin and only a tiny minority is really Jewish. Fanatic Christians who are members of Messianic communities love to call themselves "Jewish". Somehow they always feel the strong desire to belong to the "Jewish People". Not because of friendly but rather hostile reasons, as the final goal is always to missionize Jews. Halachic Jews just bother them, as they are the reminder that there are "real" Jews and not just fakes as the Messianics.

Why do those fanatic Christians claim their "false" Jewishness ?
Some of them simply want to be close to their "Meshiach" J. and others just want to belong to the "Chosen People - the Jews". Although "chosen" here doesn't mean anything super special but rather being a light to the nations by fulfilling Torah Mitzwot.

In order to appear really original, the Messianics put on a Kipa, mumble something about "Shema Israel"; although they don't have a clue about the real concept of the "Shema".
But who cares ?
They throw a Tallit (prayer shawl) over their shoulders and think that this is it. Moreover, they constantly use the name "HaShem - actually a synonym for A - do - na - i, one of G - d's names).
Messianics, as well as other Christian missionaries, like to copy Judaism and thus, claim it as their own.
Who needs the Jews anyway ?

Christian missionaries first try to learn from Jews. They participate in Shabbat meals, try to get into a synagogue, sneak into Jewish lectures, etc. Once they "learend", they start missionizing Jews. Claiming to be Jewish himself, the Christian missionary wants to show a Jew that it is possible to believe in the "Meshiach" J. and still be a Jew.

Especially in Jerusalem, we see those missionaries who claim to be part of the Jewish People. They live a lie in order to be close to their self - made Meshiach J.

The Torah TidBits of the "Israel Center" (orthodox Union), Keren HaYesod 22, has been publishing the following ad in the past week:

"The Diary of Anne Frank"

Directed by Chuck King

Jerusalem English Speaking Theatre

Then followed by a list of the event dates.

The organizer of the play "The Diary of Anne Frank" wanted to run the ad for three weeks but the ad was banned after the second week.
Chuck King, the organizer and director of the play, is a Christian missionary and a Messianic Jew.

Chuck King is one of those above mentioned Christians calling themselves Messianic. Furthermore, he is one of the most famous (if not the most famous) Messianic songwriters whose songs are sung in all Messianic communities all over the world.

Are the Messianics now going to use the name of Anne Frank for their own vicious purposes ?
As we already know, Christian missionaries don't hesitate when it comes to missionize or cursing religious Jews. Either we are told that we will all burn in hell or we are told that if we just had believed in J., the Holocaust would have never happend.

Whoever is considering to go to the play in Jerusalem should be aware that this is a Messianic event. Boycott the event and tell as many people as you can about the goals of Chuck King and the Messianic communities !!!

After the people in charge of the TidBits learned about the true identity of Chuck King, his ad was banned and doesn't appear anymore in the latest edition.



  2. B"H

    About Chuck King:
