
Monday, December 22, 2008

Money makes the Xmas World go round !


Unfortunately, and I really have to say "unfortunately", many Israeli tourist places set up Xmas trees and Santa Clauses these days.
In order to attract Christian tourists, especially hotels and hostels don't hesitate setting up idol worship decoration. Money seems to be more important than Jewish pride or the fact that we do live in a Jewish country.

There are Jews who couldn't care less. They say that first of all, they are Jewish and all the Xmas stuff is nothing but decoration for the tourists. However, I am asking myself why many places in Tel Aviv are decorated for Christians but any Chanukkah decoration is missing. In fact, there is hardly anything in Tel Aviv showing that we Jews are celebrating Chanukkah at the moment. Moreover no one seems to realize that the Hasmona'im (the Maccabis) fought Greek idol worship and would have done the same with the Christians if those had existed during that time.

When Jews celebrate Chanukkah and Xmas or "only" decorate their companies for business purposes, they do nothing else but spitting right into the face of Yehudah Maccabi and his family and the entire concept of Jewish identity.

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