
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shabbat Chatan in Toldot Aharon

Toldot Aharon children in their Synagogue.


On Shabbat, I ended up in the Toldot Aharon Synagogue for the morning prayer Shacharit. Rebbe David Kahn wasn't there and, instead one of his younger brothers led the service. The women's section (Ezrat Nashim) wasn't as crowded as usual and there was plenty of space to sit on the metal benches behind the Mechitzah (separation to the men's section).

In the Toldot Aharon Synagogue, the men sit on the ground floor and the women of the first floor. At the Tishes on Friday nights (Erev Shabbat), the Mechitzah consists of huge glass windows and the women are able to see everything going on downstairs. On Shabbat, during Shacharit, however, the glass windows are covered by metal walls, as the light and the sunlight cause too much light at once and thus, the men downstairs would be able to see the women upstairs. This is the reason for the Mechitzah change. For the women, on the other hand, it is extremely hard to look through this kind of Mechitzah.

The Toldot Aharon Synagogue

After a while, it was obvious that another Shabbat Chatan would take place in the Toldot Aharon Synagogue. Little coloured plastic bags were handed out to the younger boys and they, on the other hand, were anxiously waiting for the women from upstairs to throw all the sweets down onto the ground floor. After the third and fourth Aliyah (Torah section being read on Shabbat), the women threw the traditional sweets and then the Chatan (groom) who is getting married this week, walked around and shook almost everyone's hand.

Great service but I just wish that the Rebbe had been there.

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