
Monday, January 19, 2009

And where were "You" ? - Haredi Society and the War


In times of war, it becomes much more obvious to everyone. To secular Jews as well as to haredi society itself: Haredi men study in Yeshivot (religious institutions) and don't go to the army.

Actually I am not too keen on writing or commenting on the subject why Haredim don't go to the army and why some do. First of all, it doesn't change anything in reality and secondly, some people could use my reports in a negative sense. Pointing their fingers at the Haredim and say: "Look, they are lazy and just hang around the whole day !" People making that claim should know that no one in Israel discussed this subject during the last war in Gaza.

Today, we have the "Chok Tal - the Tal Law" in Israel. It stipulates that male Haredim who are enrolled in a Yeshiva, don't have to join the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Usually young men serve for three and women for two years in the army. Those who refuse have to go to jail.

National religious girls do a social service instead called "Sherut Le'umit". Their haredi counterparts often marry at the age of 18 - 20 and whoever is married, doesn't have to join the army anymore. Men likewise.

"Sherut Le'umit" is organized by several Israeli institutions and the girls have the choice. Sometimes the service lasts longer and sometimes the opposite is the case.

While the Israeli population has been extremely concerned about the well - being of its soldiers, haredi populations seems to be somewhere outside. Should Haredim show their solidarity and if so, how ? Especially Haredim seem to ask why things are happening and for what reason. They like to analyze and the question was, how they should behave and deal with the war in Gaza.

Countless litvish - haredi Yeshivot organized additional Torah studies and prayers for the soldiers. There is no doubt, lots of solidarity was shown and those who don't believe it can simple have a look into the haredi forum world.

On the other hand - how do Haredim deal with the war ? How does it effect them internally ?

Chabad and Breslov are known to be everywhere; mostly at the front. They usually help soldiers putting on Tefillin and there actually was a campaign run by ALL kinds of Haredim. Zizit were donated for the soldiers going to the front line. Those soldiers joining were afraid and asked themselves if they ever come back safe and sound. So, the Zizit also served as a private emotional protection shield.

Last week, a colleague of mine told me a certain war story. She emphazised that everything is true and really took place this way. A day later, I read the ame story in a secular Israeli newspaper mentioned in an article about Haredim and the war in Gaza.
The story goes that a group of soldiers was about to enter a house in Gaza in order to search for terrorists. Before they could enter, suddenly a woman dressed in white appeared and warned the soldiers not to enter the house. It was a trap.
The soldiers went to the next house and the same women re - appeared. She made the same claim and the soldiers began to wonder who this woman was. "Rachel Imenu - Your mother Rachel (biblical Yaakov's wife)", she responded.

Haredi society loves to quote and see miracles in everything. G - d gives us a sign and actually does interfere to our very best. At the same time, society never seems to get tired of investigating why this and that is happening to us. Does everything only happen without any reason because it appears to be so rational ?
No, as G - d rules about everything. It is Him making ALL decisions and not us. But why does He go against us Jews ? Why is there Good and Evil in this world ? Why do Israeli soldiers die and the Hamas rejoices ? Shouldn’t it be the other way around ?

When G - d created this world, He enabled us having our "Free Will". And in order to have Free Will, we need Good and Evil in this world; otherwise there wouldn't be a choice. Evil is going to exist until Meshiach comes and then it will be "slaughtered" (in a symbolic sense).

In Judaism, and our own history proves it, we follow the concept that if the Jews move further away from G - d and don't keep the Torah Mitzwot, G - d is punishing us. And here we have found the reason of how haredi society argues: More and more Jews are becoming secular or marry a non - Jewish spouse. The result is that G - d is punishing us for our misbehaviour. A collective punishment (e.g. Diaspora). In case someone doesn't keep Shabbat, he doesn't only effect himself but the entire Jewish nation.

Many Haredi argue that G - d is sending us all those hostile nations in order to do Teshuva (repentance). Find our way back to G - d and He will help us; send the Meshiach. But as long as we follow our evil ways, the nations are going to pick on us and force us into wars. This exactly is the reason why there is evil in the world. Our task is to overcome it and thus bring Meshiach.

And now, our corrupt government, once again, made an agreement with the nations. The government decided for a cease fire or in other words "gave up". How does our interpretation now look ?
Again, we or better, the government, didn't trust in G - d but relies on the nations. Instead of using our own strength, Israel gave in.

It looks like Meshiach has still a long way to go.

Speaking about myself, I am not too much into all those predictions of why things happen this or that way. In fact, only G - d decides and it is Him who knows all reasons, and we shouldn't get lost in too many unnecessary speculations.

A statistic:
In the 50ies, when the former prime minister David Ben Gurion agreed to free the Haredim from the arme service, there were only 400 Haredim. Today we have 35.000 not joining the army.

Today we also have quite a few Haredim who do joing the army (in the special unit Nachal HaCharedi). Those who refuse are often afraid of going against their own society and thus facing disadvantages by the rabbis and society as a whole.

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