
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Confusion in Jerusalem


About an hour ago, confusion broke out in Jerusalem, as all the city sirens went off for about a minute. People thought that there might be a rocket attack from Gaza and didn't know what to do.
In a way, we knew that it couldn't be an attack, as it is rather unlikely that the Hamas from Gaza is shooting rockets to Jerusalem. The terrorists don't have any control about where the rocket may land and thus, they could hit the Arab Quarter or their Al - Aksa - Mosque. This would be fun seeing the whole idol - worship mosque just blowing into a thousand pieces.

However, as far as I heard, the sirens were just a practice and there is nothing to worry about.


  1. Islam is not idol worship. See the Rambam.

  2. B"H

    As you are mentioning the RAMBAM: In his "Iggeret Te'iman", the Rambam calls Mohammad at least twice a "MADMAN" !

    The Rambam totally rejects the claim of the Muslims that Ishmael was the chosen and not Yitzchak. It is absurd and ridiculous.
    When G – d spoke to Avraham He made it amply clear that all the blessings that He promised and all His children to whom He will reveal the Law and whom He will make the Chosen People – all this is meant only for the SEED OF YITZCHAK.

    Islam may halachically no be such a strong idol - worship as Christianity, however, it is a false interpreted religion based on many misconceptions.

  3. I'm not saying the Rambam was a Muslim. I'm just saying that according to the Rambam, Islam is not idol worsji as you stated in your original post.

    Teshuvot ha-Rambam, no. 448:

    "The Ishmaelites are not at all idolaters; [idolatry] has long been severed from their mouths and hearts; and they attribute to God a proper unity, a unity concerning which there is no doubt. And because they lie about us, and falsely attribute to us the statement that God has a son,(270 is no reason for us to lie about them and say that they are idolaters . . . And should anyone say that the house that they honor [the Kaaba] is a house of idolatry and an idol is hidden within it, which their ancestors used to worship, then what of it? The hearts of those who bow down toward it today are [directed] only toward Heaven . . . [Regarding] the Ishmaelites today - idolatry has been severed from the mouths of all of them [including] women and children. Their error and foolishness is in other things which cannot be put into writing because of the renegades and wicked among Israel [i.e., apostates]. But as regards the unity of God they have no error at all."

  4. B"H

    Actually I heard that according to Halacha, we Jews are allowed to visit a mosque, as the building is not cosidered to be a place of idol - worship. Not in comparison to a church.

    Would be a great idea to find out the status of today's Muslims, as they are widely not seen as the real Isjmaelites.

    For me personally it is more than strange that they are all running around this stone in Mekka or Median.

  5. As I understand it the muslims bow down 5 times a day facing towards mecca & the kabba, which is a comet inside a box covered in black silk. So in essence they are praying to a rock in a box??? It may not be idolatry but it certainly is weird!

  6. B"H

    I very much agree with the previous comment.

    Furthermore, The Muslims consider Ishmael as the true heir of Avraham and NOT Yitzchak.

    Just look at their upcoming holiday where they praise Ishamel as the one Avraham should have been sacrificed.
