
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rosh Chodesh Shevat - שבט


Tonight (Sunday), we celebrate the beginning of the new Jewish month of Shevat. Thus, the entire Monday will be Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

The month of Shevat always starts introducing spring and many plants begin to blossom. The sad thing this year is that, so far, it hasn't rained too much in we desperately need water in Israel. If it doesn't rain much much more, we are forced to import water from Turkey. The Kinneret has been drying out for years and we just don't have another source.

To me, Shevat means getting a year older, as I am celebrating my birthday during this month. To those of you who also celebrate their birthday in the upcoming new month: In Judaism we don't find a firm definition about birthdays. The Torah only lists Paraoh's birthday. Nevertheless, our commentators say that each of us celebrating his birthday has a special power on this particular day. If he asks G - d for something, chances are high that the wish may be fulfilled.

Rosh Chodesh (the beginning of the new month) was the first Mitzwah given to the Jewish people as a nation (see this week's Parashat BO and the Ramban). A new months can also mean a new beginning in our lives. Shevat is the 11th month in the Jewish calendar. On the first of Shevat, Moshe began to read the entire Book of Deutoronomy (Sefer Devarim) to the Jewish people. Later on, in the month of Adar, he passed away.

According to Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), every Jewish month stands for a certain letter, tribe, horoscope, colour and organ: The colour of Shevat is blue - green, the letter is Zaddik(צ), the tribe is Asher, the organ is the stomach and the horoscope is Aquarius ("Dli - bucket" in Hebrew).

Furthermore, Shevat symbolizes the senses of eating and taste. It says that a Zaddik (righteous person) eats in order to satisfy his soul. Hence, he only eats so much that he can survive.

Auqarius symbolizes water, which, on the other hand, is a metapher for Torah. Without Torah and water we cannot exist and therefore, the month of Shevat is also a new beginning for Torah studies.
Aquarius is an "air sign" and those born in this month are rebellious, like changes and stand for spontanious decisions. They always search for their own identity, are open to new ideas, hate the rat trap and are love to communicate.

Many famous rabbis passed away during the month of Shevat:

4th Shevat: Rabbi Israel Abuchatzeira, the Baba Sali, 1890 - 1984

5th Shevat: Rabbi Aryeh Yehudah Leib of Ger, 1847 - 1905, the Sefat Emet and founder Chassidut Gur (Ger)

14th Shevat: Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, 1935 - 1983

22nd Shevat: Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, 1787 - 1859

25th Shevat: Rabbi Israel Salanter

29th: Rabbi Nosson Zvi Finkel, the Alter of Slobodka, 1849 - 1927

Additionally, many early rabbis of Chassidut Lelov and Zanz passed away.

Adding the "Yaale ve Yavo - prayer" into the Amidah and into the Bircat HaMazon.
It is customary for women not to do any housework on Rosh Chodesh.

Chodesh Tov - A great, happy, successful and healthy new month to all of you.

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