We are having another war going on in Israel. Since the existence of the present State of Israel, we have been fighting for our country. Some Jews may claim their anti - Zionist ideas and say that this country doesn't belong to the Jews and Meshiach should come first. Others like me, who actually live in this country think in a different way. For me, Israel is my homeland and I don't care if the present state is a religious one or not.
Okay, we don't have a country run according to Torah law but, at least, we Jews have our own place. A place where we don't have to justify ourselves that we are Jewish. We can live freely, have kosher food, find thousands of Synagogues and I don't need to make a fuss at a company when taking a day off because my boss doesn't know what Pessach or Rosh HaShana is. Here we are Jews and no matter if secular or religious, people know a Synagogue, Yom Kippur and Shabbat. It is a great feeling living among Jews and having an own country. And as everything depends on G - d and goes according to His will anyway, so why should this present state not be included in His will ? Why not being a forerunner of Meshiach and a country run by Torah law ?
Years ago, I even wanted to join the army. Not because I was totally crazy about being in this country but rather because I felt it was my duty. I am glad to be in Israel and wanted to do my share as every other soldier does. Unfortunately, I was too old.
One should be in the early twenties and I was already 30. A pity but the army offered me to volunteer at a checkpoint around Jerusalem. The only problem is that I need a steady income and the volunteer job would have only paid for my health - and social insurance.
Women in the army ?
Most religious, even the national religious, consider this as immodest or unnecessary. Honestly, what can you achieve as a female serving in the army ? Nothing. Has there ever been a famous female general ? No.
Thus, the national religious send their daughters so a social service (Sherut Le'umit) and the haredi daughters get married at a young age anyway. Nevertheless, the national religious guys anxiously join the army but their haredi colleagues don't at all. They sign up in Yeshivot and are thus, not obligated to serve in the army forces.
But especially now in these days, I look at all the young soldiers walking around in the streets and there are the Haredim on the other side. In times of war, the country looks up to his soldiers because they secure our existence.
Secure ?
Isn't it only G - d securing our whole being including our country ?
Yes, and we definitely need religious people praying all the time. However, you also have to take action and do something (fight) and not sit the entire day relying on G - d and hoping for His help to come. Do something, as King David or King Salomon did.
Young soldiers are dieing and I feel terribly sorry for their parents. Sacrifizing their child for the country. On the other hand, I see Haredim praying which is necessary. But I simply cannot get rid of the feeling that I wish the Haredim would join the army. At least in times of war. Do something and not only read the news and stare curiously at all the army equipment while passing by in the streets.
Avraham went out to war, Yaakov got prepared before meeting his brother Esav, Moshe went out to war, the later Kings of Israel did, the fighters in the Warzaw Ghetto did. Anyone in Jewish history did. And where are you, the Haredim, today ???
Jacob tried to appease Esav with gifts. The Choeftz Chaim comments on this saying that Jews are forbiden to wage wars against nations, they must flee instead.
ReplyDeleteThe Maharal of Prague said that even if a person coercizes you to establish a Jewish state you are halackally obligated to comit suicide.
Without a Sanhedrin we cannot be in a state of war. Moshiach will restore the Sanhedrin, we still pray for it in the Shemona Esrai.
While going to war against Arabs seems legitimate as Shulhan Aruch lists procedures for War, we cannot fight back as we do not have the authorization of the Sanhedrin or a legitimate Jewish state.
Even Rabbi Kahane said Israel is a state of Jews and not a Jewish state.
There is nothing Jewish about Israel, every level of government is corrupt especially the supreme court. Drugs prostitution and strip clubs are rampant. People go to discotechque on shabbas. The Israeli police arrest chassidim for blocking traffic on shabbat and throw them in vans.
Is this a state a G-d fearing person should participate in?
Keep in mind the Zionists don't know anything about Judaism. The Lubavitcher Rebbe quotes a Gemora saying Jews who were kidnaped by idol worshipers are not chayev for worshiping idols. But an Orthodox Jew should certainly not participate in this government
ReplyDeleteI cannot deny the truth in your words but I personally do see the present State of Israel as a forerunner to redemption and a state with Meshiach.
I can tell you from my personal experience that I am glad to live here. Okay, we have terrorists and wars but I prefer this compared to the anti - Semitism abroad.