
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Election Campaign: Tibi versus Eldad


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering an open discussion between the head of one of the two permitted Arab parties in Israel, Achmad Tibi, and the head of the "Ichud HaLe'umi" - party, Aryeh Eldad.

The event is taking place today, Wednesday, February 4, 2009, at the HebrewU Campus in Givat Ram (opposite Olmert's office).

During the war in Gaza, the Knesset banned the Arab parties form the voting lists because their Palestinian politicians have been spreading propaganda against Israel and sympathized with the Hamas. After a short period of time, however, Israel's supreme court allowed two Arab parties to run for the upcoming elections.

Achmad Tibi and his colleagues are anything but in favour of a Jewish State. In fact, they have been spreading their anti - Israel views all over the world and even meet with hostile foreign politicians in Syria and in other Arab countries.
Achmad Tibi is a great public relation guy and knows how to sell himself. His views are pro - Hamas, pro - Al Khaida and extremely anti - Israeli. Furthermore, he supports suicide bombing.

Aryeh Eldad, on the other hand, is a doctor in physics and head of a national Zionist religious party. He is not a crazy fanatic but sticks to the point which is Zionism and not giving any land to the Arabs. Aryeh Eldad is one of the few Israeli politicians who is not involved in any scandals and corruption, and thus he is my favourite politician.

Today's discussion between the two is part of the election campaign taking place at the moment. I am sure that it will be interesting, as Aryeh Eldad does his homework and knows how to argue.

Achmad Tibi


Aryeh Eldad

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