The results of the elections in Israel are probably known to everyone already. I couldn't believe when they announced last night that Zipi Livni has one seat more than Benjamin Netanyahu. Who could be that crazy and vote for Kadima after all the Olmert scandals and wheelings and dealings ?
However, this is our new reality and both candidates, Zipi Livni and Netanyahu are now searching wildly for coalition partners. Whoever makes it, can become the new prime minister.
Today, Netanyahu met the head of the Sephardi haredi SHASS party, Eli Yishai, and Zipi Livni met Avigdor Lieberman. Livni and Lieberman would fit, as both hate the religious and in particular the Haredim. Lieberman wants non - kosher food, civil marriages and any non - Jewish Russian immigrant to be Jewish. Jewish by an easy reform Giur or something similar.
A colleague of mine who is also not too much pro - Haredi claimed that now the Haredim would take over and force secular Israelis to keep the Mitzwot. Just like the Muslims in Iran, the Jews do now start the same in Israel. I told her that SHASS has been a Kadima coalition partner for quite a while and we are still in Israel and not in Iran. I cannot really relate to the fear of the secular any religious politicians may introduce a haredi dictatorship. Those Haredim who are into politics have, first of all, to deal with all kinds of Jews and secondly, I don't consider them as so holy anyway. As I said before, politics are a dirty business and how do you think those haredi politicians climbed up all the ladder of success ?
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