Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Elections 2009
Israel is electing a new Knesset today. The polling stations are open until 10pm and in smaller settlements until 8pm. I already went to vote this morning and on top of the page, you can see who I voted for. For the right - wing Zionist party "Ichud HaLe'umi" - standing for a State if Israel with a Jewish identity. Jews should settle wherever they want, as it is our land.
I voted in a right - wing Zionist neighbourhood in Jerusalem and at that particular polling station, they were almost running out of the first set of the small notes with the Hebrew letter TED, standing for the "Ichud HaLe'umi". People vote by taking a small note with the letter of the party and putting it into an envelope.
It took me two minutes and I was done. I noticed more people at the polling station than three years ago. Hopefully we are getting rid of all the left - wingers such as Kadima and the Labour Party. I don't care if Benjamin Netanyahu is becoming prime minister but the main concern is that it won't be Zipi Livni.
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