
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Gerrer Rebbe and the "Porush Curse"


On 10th February, Israel is electing a new Knesset and also among the haredi population, all kinds of internal election campaigns have started. As everybody surely knows, the anti - Zionist "Neturei Karta" doesn't participate in the "Zionist" Knesset elections. The same applies to the members the anti - Zionist umbrella organization "Edah HaCharedit". With members like the Toldot Aharon, Spinka, the Mishkenot HaRoim, Satmar, the Toldot Avraham Yitzchak and some litvishe Haredim. Other Haredim are basically participating in the elections. Actually some are quite anxious of doing so, as it serves their interest.

Belz, Gur, Vishnitz, Karlin - Stolin or Rudzhin - Boyan. All of them voting for the "Yahadut HaTorah". Sephardic Haredi vote for their own SHASS - party under the leadersip of Eli Yishai and Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef.

Chassidut Gur reigns over the Yahadut HaTorah and there are quite a few Haredim who haven't forgotten what the Gerrer (Gur) Rebbe did to Me'ir Porush a few months ago. When Porush ran for the mayor's position in Jerusalem and Gur ignored him and decided to vote for the secular candidate Nir Barkat. The latter became mayor and, unfortunately, Porush lost due to the Gerrer votes for Barkat.

Now the Knesset elections are right ahead and many Haredim are still fed up with the "Gur Dictatorship" within the Yahadut HaTorah. In different forums they discuss the pros and cons of voting in favour or against the party. Now there are even stickers calling the haredi population not to vote for Yahadut HaTorah !

"No, thanks. We don't need that".

"Enough. We are fed up !!!" We don't need this.

These stickers are referring to the head of the Yahadut HaTorah, Yaakov Litzman from the Chassidut Gur.

Maybe it is the old "Porush - Curse" which, this time, may cause the Gerrer Rebbe to loose Knesset seats and thus, some of his political power.

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