
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lior Shlein and the Vatican


Now Vatican and Pope can breath freely and without having this weird feeling in the stomach. The whole world was accusing them of anti - Semitism due to reappointing a bishop who, as an extreme anti - Semite and Holocaust denier, was just thrown out of Argentina. The pope image went down the drain and it seems like he is climbing out of the gutter now. His advisers tell him to cancel his Israel trip planned in May and we will see if the Holiness is taking revenge.

Who actually cares anyway if the pope is visiting Israel or if he stays at home in the Vatican …

The church has rediscovered the Jews as a scapegoat and even gets help from the Hamas and the Hizbollah. Two terror organizations which consider Christians as heretics. The Vatican must be happy finding so many trustworthy supporters against the Jews. Not really Jews but rather Israeli Jews. Or to be precise: The Israeli David Letterman, Lior Shlein.

Shlein dared to show a sketch where he is making fun of Christianity.. No, Mary was not a virgin but a wild girl and Mr. J. didn't walk on water. This is just fantasy.
In the background the Madonna song "Like a Virgin" was played.

Not that Lior Shlein had such a great rating and he already apologized to the Christians.

For what actually ? Have they ever apologized for their pogroms and false Bible interpretations ?

Is the pope going to demand a confession from Lior Shlein ?

Christian Arabs were demonstrating this weekend and this morning, I listened to a debate on the Israeli radio channel Reshet Beit. An Arab Christian representative accused the Jews of making disgusting jokes about Christian believe. The result was that the radio journalist said that the Catholic church including the pope just rehabilitated one of the greatest anti - Semites and had been killing Jews for more than a thousand years. If the church itself is not disgusting ?
And now only going out of their minds because of a joke on TV ?

I 100% agree with the journalist. What has the church done to the Jews in history ? Killed them although their Meshiach J. was a Jew himself. And lets be honest, isn't it mentioned in the Talmud that Yosef was not J.'s biological father but a Roman soldier called Pandera ?
And this is not a sketch but real because I don't care at all if the pope is visiting our country or canceling his trip.

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree that the murder of a Muslim civilian child, or a mother, leaving a child orphaned is disgusting. You will delete this because you are a coward, but not all Jews are cowards, just people with no morality. The death of an Israeli child is equal to the death of a Muslim child. No human is worth any more or less than any other. Of cours eyou will talk of Hamas firing rockets into Israel, but let's just talk statistics. Israel have murdered FIVE TIMES more innocent civilians (women, children, pepole who simply want to live their lives in peace) than Israeli's. There is a good word for that in the English language : "MASSACRE". The crimes of Israel are a disgrace to behold, the leaders are war criminals, and the crimes continue in Palestine and Gaza, EVERY day, even after the ceasefire, the blockades are still in place, and the illegal settlements in Palestine. 300,000 illegal settlers, illegal under the Geneva convention ... it is sickening. Israel should move back to the 1967 borders, then act like moral human beings instead of trying to immitate the Nazi's that persecuted and murdered Jews 60 years ago. All religions are irrelevant, treat your fellow MEN as equals. Israel is a state whose foundation is built from BIGOTRY. State-sanctioned bigotry is a disgusting thing. I hope you one day realise that the murder of a child in Gaza is a crime. But people of very low intellect turn off their ability to perceive, and turn to simple bigotry as justification of crimes. Hey, if the state say it's ok, then you can say it's ok right !? well, yes, if you are a very unintelligent sheeplike fool, I guess that is true.
