
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Brisker renting out his Home for Pessach


Pessach Madness

A sarkastic joke about the Brisker Pessach preparations. Not only Brisk but more and more people just turn into a "kasher le'Pessach" madness.


  1. B"H

    Many Jews, especially Haredim, cover many things with aluminium folie during Pessach. Most of the times, it is just the kitchen table and the area next and around the kitchen sink.

    However, there are Jews who exaggerate and many different Haredim just stick their folie everywhere in order to cover anything and keep it kosher for Pessach (Passover).

    And those pictures are referring to the litvishe Brisk Movement obviously overdoing their Pessach cleaning.

  2. I love it. My favorite is the toilet. Cleaning is a real strain for women. It is a shame that the men are so fussy with the rules but avoid any type of labour! I don't look forward to Pesach Cleaning, and I promise I am nowhere near as nutty as this spoof. But I admit, when it is done and we are sitting down to the Seder I feel good. Great Stuff!

  3. B"H

    My favourite is the toilet brush.:-)
