
Monday, March 2, 2009

The Gerrer Rebbe goes to Safed


The Gerrer (Gur) Rebbe Yaakov Aryeh Alter is planning to spend Shabbat "Vayakel - Pekudei - HaChodesh" in the mystical town of Safed (northern Israel). Whoever wants to join him, the price is 250.000 Dollar.



  1. A quarter million dollars? In this economy? Isn't he one of the richest men in Israel? I'm sure it's "all for tzedaka" but do these guys have any shame? Compare that to the Modzitzer Rebbe who's in the U.S. right now on a mission to raise people's spirits. Oh wait, there is no comparison...

  2. B"H

    Already last Chanukkah it was clear that Gur is also in dire straits, as they didn't serve any food while studying at the Jerusalem Beit Midrash (during Chanukkah). I am sure that it the money is also for the Mosdot Gur as well as for Zedakah.

    But asking for 250.000 Dollars ?
    I would be ashamed of myself, as the Rebbe should be there for every Chassid and for only for a small elite.

  3. The Modzitzer Rebbe is here to collect money for his mosdos. Raising people's spirits comes second.

  4. B"H

    Where does the Modzitzer Rebbe usually live and do you know if there is an Ezrat Nashim in their Synagogue in Bnei Brak ? (Near Kahaneman Street).

  5. um, no he wasn't...

  6. I think he lives in B'nei Brak. You can read about him on wikipedia, and the group also has a web site. I was in Flatbush for Shabbos. I am not one of those BT's who view all Orthodoxy through rose-colored glasses. Let me tell you, this rabbi is something else, a true spiritual hero for our times!

  7. B"H

    About half a year ago, I went to his Synagogue in Bnei Brak. A Tish was taking place on an Erev Shabbat and someone had told me that the Modzidz Tish was great. So, I went but I could not find an Ezrat Nashim.

    Someone later told me that Modzidz, as a Polish Chassidut, doesn't take women too much into consideration. However, I am in Bnei Brak on Tuesday night (for all the Purim Tishes) and will try again to get in.:-)

  8. Please let us all know how it goes. The women I was with had trouble getting in too. I thought Polish hasidim were more moderate? Maybe they are on some things, like Israel, and not on others? In any event, if you can find a way to get inside, you owe it to yourself to try. The singing is magical, and I'm telling you the rabbi's face glows with ecstacy.

  9. B"H

    When your, for example, look at Chassidut Gur, they are the only group not allowing women to their Rebbe's Tish. Actually I haven't found out if the same applies to Alexander, as they are close to Gur.

    In fact, I need to find out about Purim. Where the Gerrer Rebbe is giving his TIsh and if there are women allowed to come to the Purim parties. Same again with Alexander.

    When I went to Modzidz in Bnei Brak, I asked a Chassid outside for the Ezrat Nashim. He didn't know and neither some boys. I tried to go around the building but there was not really a street or alleyway.

    However, I will try again, as Purim is a great opportunity and everything will be open.

  10. B"H

    If I was you, I wouldn't have only relyed on AISH finding me a spouse. There are so many possibilities in becoming active yourselve. Friends of mine from the States are very much into Jdate ...

  11. Lol, obviously I screwed up. If I had it to do over again, I'd do it differently. Sadly, I can't go back and change things around. I am interested in knowing if others feel burnt from the whole BT missionizing programs. I know lots from different Aish places do. I think the results of Chabad though are better. Not only do more people become frum through them, their goal, but fewer become disheartened as they do at Aish, but honestly I only have anecdotal evidence to go on, so who's to say how accurate it it?

  12. B"H

    Everyone has anecdotes abot his Yeshiva.:-) So do I.

    Why is there no blog abot the rnaways from Ohr Sameach or AISH. Of corse, there is the Kvetcher but, many times, he is just too stereotype.

    For the women I can say that there is a Neve Yerushalaim group on FACEBOOK. For the pros and cons.:-)

    It would be definitely useful for others if ex - students told some stories and not only the regular blabla how it was so great.

    Well, I hope yo are finding a Shiddch now.:-))))

    By the way, there are also people running away from Chabad and I know two girls grwoing up Chabad and later on left the group.
