After two brilliant lectures, Tuvia Singer seemed to be much weaker last night. Many subjects he mentioned were mostly a repetition from the week before. Nevertheless, Tuvia had a few good points I would like to list.
The lecture hall at Jerusalem's "Israel Center" was crowded but not as much as the three times before. What I noticed it was that only very few Christians showed up this time. The lecture turned into an almost entire Jewish event.
Tuvia Singer zoomed right into the subject and stated that there are 1000 messianic communities worldwide. The goal of the "Jews for J." is to missionize Jews and turn them into believing Christians. In local phone books, messianic communities are not listed under "churches" but under "synagogues". Their structure doesn't make sense at all, as the majority of their members are not Jewish but of Christian origin. There are ideas and communities where only Jews take over leading positions in messianic communities and keep the Christians as "slaves".
"When You are Jewish and don't believe in J. as Your Meshiach, then you will go to hell !"
"If you don't accept J. as Your Meshiach, you cannot be saved. The consequence will be You burning in hell !"
These statements are supported by all churches and I don't need to explain the meaning any further.
I am going to hell and that's it !
According to the church, there is no discussion about it.
Singer took the Nazi killer Adolph Eichmann as an example.
Shortly before his execution in the Israeli town of Ramle, Eichmann confessed in the presence of a Catholic priest and thus, was saved from hell. At least according to church theology, he went straight to Paradise (Gan Eden).
The millions of Jews being killed in the Holocaust, however, went to hell because they didn't accept J, as their Meshiach.
What does the Pope have to say about this ? What would Martin Luther say ?
Well, Luther didn't care much about the Jews anyway and had been of the greatest anti – Semites ever. The Catholic church doesn't get tired of proclaiming Pope Pius as a saintly. He helped all the Jews and was so terribly holy.
But what the Vatican after the Second World War did was helping people like Eichmann to escape to South America. Organizing false papers and letting the leading Nazis run away. The Vatican ran a special department for such cases. Everything run by the Pope.
It is irrelevant what the Pope or Luther say but what does G – d say about such a ridiculous concept ? Has one of the church fathers ever raised this question ? Did G – d say that if we don't accept a false Meshiach J., we would end up in hell ?
Christianity is irrelevant to Judaism but Judaism is relevant to Christianity, as it is based on it. Where would the church be without the Jews ? There wouldn't even be a Meshiach, as J. was Jewish.
However, a Gentile should not become part of Christianity and thus, worship idols. A non – Jew should always be a Noachide. Knowing ONE G – d and not believing in any J. !
The churches love to accuse the Rabbis of all evil in this world. Countless Christians told me that Talmudic Rabbis and others first killed J. and then they have been brainwashing the Jews through Halachot because they don't want them to see the "truth".
Well, we all can imagine what their truth is.
Christians don't believe in Jewish Halacha (law) and according to Paul, anything was evil and devil's work anyway.
When anything Jewish is evil and bad, how come the New Testament is based on Judaism and its Torah ? Why is Easter falling together with Pessach (Passover) ?
Doesn't this show that even Chrisians are going according to the Jewish calendar ? Otherwise Easter could be in November.
And who is making up the Jewish calendar ?
The Rabbis.
What is happening when the Meshiach is coming ? What if there are people who don't agree that he really is Meshiach ?
According to Judaism, this could never be the case because, as soon as Meshiach is arriving, the whole world will be on a higher spiritual level and we won't question him. We won't even get such an idea, as we are on a level we have never been before. There won't be any doubt and this is one of the signs for the true Meshiach. .
Why have neither King David nor his son Salomon mentioned any J. in their prophecies ? Does G – d stress in the Torah that, as soon the Meshiach shows up, we have to accept him, otherwise we are going to hell ? There is no such a statement !
Tuvia Singer further mentioned that we have to take the Christian way of thinking into consideration. It may sound absurd to Jews but Christians (especially Catholics) drink J.'s blood, eat the piece of wafer and thus believe that now J. is part of them. Eating his flesh and drinking his blood is like J. entering their bodies. Such a weird concept had already taken place before; in pagan religions.
The subject "Shabbat" was mentioned as well. "Non – Jews are not allowed to keep the Shabbat laws !" Those special Halachot are only meant for the Jews, as the Shabbat is a special covenant between G – d and the Jews. As a matter of fact, it says in the Talmud that in G – d's eyes, a non – Jew keeping Shabbat is worth than a Jew not keeping Shabbat.
G – d has His ways to prevent other nations from choosing the Saturday as a day of rest. The Christians chose the Sunday and the Muslims chose the Friday. Only the Jews stick to the Saturday as Shabbat.
Adventists may claim that they do keep Shabbat. However, they don't keep the Shabbat Halachot.
These explanations why Jews don't accept the Christian Meshiach are not in order to spread hatred against Christians or other people but just to show that especially Christians follow the wrong concepts. According to the Jewish point of view, any Gentile should be following the Seven Noachide Laws.
After Pessach (Passover), Tuvia Singer is planning to continue his series. Then with deeper lectures about the sayings of the Prophets such as Isiah (Yeshayahu), Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu), Zechariah, Micha, and others.
The Devil and the Jews
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