In Israel he is called "Nazi Pope". An elderly German who served in the Wehrmacht during the Hitler times made it to the Pope position.
I know Joseph Ratzinger from Bavaria / Germany. Not personally but he always has been a conservative Vatican representative. Then he moved to Rome and became the highest representative of modesty and ideology. Being in charge of a department which, during the Middle Ages, had been called the "Holy Inquisition".
Now as Pope, Benedict reactivated the anti - Semite Bishop Willamson. In May, the Pope is coming to Israel and our government is ready to spend a few million Shekels on fixing churches and make everything nicer for the Pope. So, that Your "Holiness" is getting the very best impression.
Last night, I listened to the Israeli Breslov radio channel "Radio Kol CHai" and the speaker made a great point. When the Pope is coming, the Israeli government allows anything without any discussion and hesitation. Closing streets and investing money. But as soon as it comes to Rabbis and Synagogues, well, then we have our usual disaster.
On May 14, Pope Benedict is holding a great church service in Nazareth. I don't have to tell you why he chose this location. Thousands of pilgrims are expected to come from abroad and the Israeli government (it doesn't matter which one) is dreaming about more tourists. Money makes the world go around and the Pope is a public relation factor.
I don't care if he comes or stays at home. Maybe I should be against his visit, as this is the Holy Land, and idol worshippers shouldn't be practicing their rites here. At least the Pope shouldn't cause Jews to desecrate Shabbat in case he is staying over Shabbat. Hopefully his visit will pass quickly and he is going home fast and with him the idolatry.
Stealing Jewish Children during the Holocaust
Stolen Jewish Possessions
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