
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shabbat for the Rich


Seventeen million Shekels ( approx. 4 million Dollar) for the Mosdot Gur.The Gerrer Rebbe Yaakov Aryeh Alter invited anyone who could effort paying one million Shekels in cash (in advance) for a Shabbat celebration in Safed (northern Israel). Seventeen rich people came and had a Shabbat meal with the Rebbe.

Chassidut Gur states that due to the worldwide financial crisis, their Mosdot need money. Especially now before Pessach in order to help their poor members / families.

I was told that the Belzer Rebbe once used to do the same.

The Gerrer Rebbe with microphone

The article also says that an ordinary Gerrer Chassid is not able to hear a Dvar Torah from his Rebbe, as only the people standing close to the Rebbe can hear him. The reason is his low voice.


  1. no one hear torah because he doesnt say any! thats the real reason

  2. B"H

    I've heard this statement slightly different:

    "He doesn't say anything because he has nothing to say !"

    But lets assume he says something, shouldn't it be his concern to make sure that everyone hears it ?

    To me it seems like an ordinary Gerrer Chassid is somewhere out of society. At least beyond the "high society" and this is a shame.
