The OU (Israel Center) in Jerusalem had announced a lecture with the, among the Anglos, well - known radio speaker (Arutz 7) Tuvia Singer. Singer is American, he made Aliyah not too long ago and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem. His profession is helping Jews for J. out of churches and bringing them back to Judaism.
Last night, a four - week - lecture series started at the Israel Center and more than a hundred people showed up to listen to what Tuvia Singer had to say about Christianity and its missionaries. The room was already packed when I came and one elderly guy behind me said to his neighbour that he had only shown up because there was heating and his house was cold. "Well, I thought, this is a nice start".
Singer and someone else sitting beside him on the little podium started on time. But not Singer spoke but the second guy. I looked around and discovered two bodyguards. One with a rather hitman face standing behind the podium and the other had a baby face. At least his bald head fit to a baby.
Wow, I thought, they may be expecting violence or wild aggressive Christians freaking out. This could be interesting".
I didn't get the name of the guy sitting next to Tuvia Singer while he was telling us his story. The lecture was scheduled for two hours; for one hour, only this no - name guy spoke.
He told us his private story of how his parents converted from Judaism to Christianity while he was only two years old. In between, he didn't get tired of mentioning how important his family once in the Brazilian army was. However, he was from Fort Lauderdale and later, he had moved to Houston.
He told us about the Evangelists, churches, Bible classes and then how he moved to Texas in order to start a gas and oil company. This was in 2003. Then he went on how he found Tuvia, how great Tuvia was, how great Tuvia was, how great Tuvia was … and on and on. Eventually he came back to Judaism, thanks to beloved Tuvia, sold his famous and rich oil company (he claimed to have discovered the biggest oil and gas field in the history of Texas !) and made Aliyah to Israel. Then he walked out together with hitman and baby face. He really wanted to show us his status.
His way of talking made me tired. Have you ever noticed that those Jews coming back to Judaism and had been fundamental Christians before, still talk like a Christian preacher ? No matter how Jewish they get, there is still the way to talk like a preacher. The same, by the way, with Pnina Taylor from the Jerusalem branch of "Jews for Judaism".
As soon as I hear them talking, I think I am in a church.
(This remark was not against Jews coming back to Judaism. Chas veChalilah, but rather pointed at a certain kind of behaviour) !!!
After the guy had finished, and people had already complained about him never finishing, Tuvia Singer began his lecture. He looked like he wants to sell something; blue shirt, red tie, standing straight and proud. However, the product wasn't offered last night but maybe next time.
I was so sleepy due to the previous speaker but Singer made a few good points. "If you think that Christian missionaries are only showing up in groups, you are wrong. This is the typical Jewish way of thinking. Christians approach a Jew as individuals and this is important to understand".
Someone asked why the Christians don't get that the church is interpreting the Torah wrong. "Just be logical and ask questions. How can you believe all this things the priests make up ?"
"For two reasons, Singer responded. First of all, what does a good Christian mother tell her little girl when she brings her to bed ? - J. loves you.
Their whole life they are being indoctrinated by such thoughts and ideologies. When they are in church they pray to J. and not to G - d. Christians grow up with a certain way of thinking and looking at the Bible (Torah). It is very hard to change their minds and understand the real meaning of the Torah. Taking them away from their ideology is almost impossible. They are so much into it that they don't see anything else.
The second reason is false translations of the Torah. Every context is adjusted to fit into Christian doctrine. Do American universities teach any Hebrew ? How many Christians actually learn Hebrew in order to understand the original version of the Torah and thus realize the translation mistakes ?"
If I liked the lecture ?
Tuvia Singer has definitely something to say and he announced that next Sunday, he will be teaching text; how the church faked original teachings into church ideologies. Nevertheless, if Singer would stick more to the point and not concentrate on making private jokes and getting astray with other stories, the lecture would improve.
Concerning the oil guy with the two bodyguards:
He was totally unnecessary and I hardly believed anything he said. Was this a show about claiming all his wealth and how great he was ? And if so, why did he do that ? What did he intend proving to us ? That he is great ?
Someone asked him what company he owned but there was no response.
I also do have my doubts with such people including Pnina Taylor. They just recently left Christianity. And I am not talking about "normal simple" Christianity but the "Hallelu - ya" screams, talking in tongues and being a fanatic Evangelist. Even a missionary as Taylor used to be.
Aready two years later they start teaching other Jews ? What do they know ? Shouldn't they be rather studying themselves ?
I experienced it a few times that those ex - Jews for J. don't know much about Judaism yet, however, as soon as they talk about Christianity, they get really excited.
Next Sunday, I will be at the lecture again and see how it goes. Is it as boring as last night, then this is it for me.
Tuvia Singer has a web-site with a lot of information.
ReplyDeleteHe also has a radio show on the Israeli national religious radio channel ARUTZ 7 (in English) and he is on FACEBOOK as well.