
Monday, April 6, 2009

America and its Muslim President


America and its Muslim President

Muslim greeting Muslim: Barak Hussein Obama bowing down to the Saudi King.


  1. Obama just like every other US President is following the US diplomatic protocol to bow to the Saudi King. G.W. Bush did it as well as you can see here on CNN.
    US Presidents and their diplomatic corps have been bowing to the House of Saud for a long time and they will continue to do so as long as they need oil to keep their economy up and running.

  2. B"H

    Bush bowed down to the Saudi King because he received a medal. Obama, however, ran up to the King and bowed down. Many people claim that he did so without protocol.

    Obama is a born Muslim, as his father was a Muslim. He is one and he will always be. He even studied in Koran schools in Indonesia, and not in the most moderate but in the fanatic ones.

    Kol HaKovod to his show as a President. I am excited to see when we are going to face the real Hussein Obama.

  3. I'm no friend of the current Obamateurism in the State Department. But I'm certainly no friend of the Muslim controversy. There are plenty of other pressing issues. I don't think that Obama's childhood is one of them.
    My opinion is that Americans should not bow to foreign monarchs because that act signified the monarch's power over his subjects. Therefore I find G. W. Bush bowing to some Saud clan leader equally disturbing.

    This is pretty funny: Welsh Guards play Imperial Death March theme from Star Wars to greet Saudi King. Without doubt someone was fired for this.

  4. B"H

    But don't forget what may be behind Obama. Someone with such a strong Muslim background is always stuck in his ideology. And regarding Israel, this issue does concern us. What if Obama is becoming best friends with Iran ?

    In this respect, Israel is probably more wondering about the person Obama than many Americans. Although I am asking myself how a Muslim could become President just a short time after 9 / 11.

    As I said, Bush bowed because he got a medal hung around his neck. Who, in this case, would have not bowed his head ?

  5. B"H

    For everyone not believing or not knowing about the danger of radical Islam in the US:

  6. The US State Department seeks quick success in the Afgpak arena and relies on Iranian intelligence to achieve it. I expect that Obama would not just tolerate a nuclear armed Iran but will also try to force concessions from Israel. It's no secret that US-Israel relations are already strained.
    Some (expatriate Americans) say it's time to file the divorce papers and align ourselves with emerging Asian superpowers like India instead.
    Ironically also the Saudis are not enthusiastic about US-Iran military ties and its price as a WMD-empowered Iran also poses an immediate threat to them.

  7. B"H

    In the end, Obama and Achmadinejad might be best friends (Muslim brotherhood), Iran can keep its nucs and Israel has to give up land to the Palestinians and sign a contract not to attack Iran's nuclear power plants.

    It looks like this is going to be Obama's plan.

  8. The clip from CNN was not a bow--he bent his head so the king could give him a medal--more of a nod. BO ran over and almost bent double. It wasn't supposed to be filmed--also it's hard to see but looks like he was giving the old lip-smack to the kings hand. Just listen to him since he took office--more and more for islam. Phone-calls, interviews and visits and the muslims are loving it. The only one beneath contempt are the idiots who don't see what is happening.
