
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Charges against Modesty Squad Member


At the age of 22, Shmuel Weissfish is already a member of the Modesty Squad (Mishmeret HaZniut) in the Ge'ulah (Jerusalem) neighbourhood. Between June and August 2008, him and 10 - 15 followers used to show up countless of times at the computer store "Space" in the ultra - orthodox Ge'ulah neighbourhood in order to threaten the owner and his staff. Furthermore, the modesty group demonstrated in front of the store, pushed the customers and told them not to buy there. Weissfish called the workers inside the store "Nazis" and "pigs" and threatened to burn down the place.While doing so, Weissfish used the name "Nachman Gold".

The "modest" Shmuel Weissfish

Now Weissfish is awaiting his trial at a Jerusalem court. A state - owned court and probably not as "holy" as him.
Instead of running around and accusing other people of being immodest, Weissfish should have rather concentrated on his actions: A Chilul HaShem - Desecration of G - d !

By the way, does anyone know to which group Shmuel Weissfish belongs ?


  1. B"H

    You can read it anywhere anyway. Today, it was just a report on a haredi site and by tomorrow it will be in Haaretz, the Jerusalem Post, on Ynet and wherever you want.

    Of course, this message shouldn't be for anyone. One the other hand, some people doing these acts (like Weissfish), need to think about it in advance before they are causing great damage to a whole society. In this case "haredi society".

  2. he is a pervert who doesnt get it home, so he finds other ways to relase his hormones, does thi answer your question?

  3. BS"D

    this was my point - this ayin horah and lashon horah won't help him, why incite this against a fellow Yidden? regardless of his issues...

  4. B"H

    It is a shame that people like Weissfish hurt the reputation of the haredi society as a whole.

    Jews from the outside world look at him and think that all Haredim are alike.
    I think it has to be made very clear from the haredi society itself that not everyone acts like Weissfish.

  5. BS"D

    I think you're correct, not sure that's what this post has achieved though.

    Attacking anyone is a negative action. We can distance ourselves from people who may do things that are not in accordance with our way of life.

    This post however has highlighted to goyim and Jew alike something negative.

    A Yid's a Yid at the end of the day. We shouldn't speak bad of him, but make it clear his actions were not in accordance to Torah.

  6. I can guarantee you that there will be articles in "Haeda," the official organ of the Edah Hacharedis, in support of Weissfish.

  7. B"H

    From his and the Edah's point of view has Weissfish acted in the right way. He helped to prevent certain sales made by the computer store "Space". I think they were / are also selling the famous MP 4 players whoch are not officalliy allowed in Mea Shearim and the surrounding neighbourhoods.

    But threatening the store owner, his staff and customers are not the right way to achieve something. Maybe Weissfish is too young to understand all the consequences now waiting for him. It would have been the Rabbi's task to stop him at a certain point.

    I understand that Internet and all modern hightech fields can be a danger to haredi society. Especially to youngsters who don't know how to use the Internet etc. in a modest and positive way. But violence never helps and only causes further violence.

    There is no perfect society in this world and people should be aware of it. Haredi society has many many positive aspects but its society is also vulnerable. I don't think that from now on (when something negative is happening), people from the outside only concentrate on the bad things. If they do, they have done so before and just wait until there is some gossip around. And this is why the Rabbis should keep an eye on people like Weissfish and tell them when enough is enough.
