
Monday, April 13, 2009

Getting rid of Christian Missionary Material


Handing out missionary pamphlets, brochures or the New Testament in Israel is forbidden according to the law. However, fanatic Christian missionaries don't care about any laws or rules. They only see themselves and their vicious "righteousness".

Not for the first time, I found a New Testament (in Hebrew) and two further missionary books (written by a messianic Jew) laying around in a public place in Tel Aviv. And for me, it is also not the first time dumping all of this creepy material into the depths of a trash can. I remember doing this and enjoying myself after finding at least twenty New Testaments at the "Laundry Place" in Jerusalem's Shammai Street.

Some Christians may hate me for doing so and wishing me to hell. Nevertheless, we Jews have a Halacha commanding us to destroy any idol - worship missionary literature meant for Jews. Destroying either by burning or throwing everything into the garbage. See here !

Next time I find something, hopefully the trash can won't be standing too far away !


  1. Way to Go! I wish we could get rid of all the missionaries once and for all. They are sneaky and dangerous.
