
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Separation on Buses


The latest haredi cartoon on the gender separation on public buses; especially in the Jerusalem area.

It says on the poster that separate seating at weddings is accepted but separate seating on buses is rejected. The snake on top of the bus is called the "Satanic Orchestra". The bus is representing the no. 2 bus in Jerusalem (from Har Nof to the Western Wall).

As soon as the secular Israeli press as well as the national religious press report about the Haredim and their demand for "kosher" public transportation where men and women sit separate, the public is just jumping. One commentator on the Arutz 7 site wrote that he thought to have entered the "Kabul News" when reading about the separation.

It may be a big issue but, nevertheless, the secular as well as the national religious shouldn't always come up with their stereotype ideas about Haredim. I am not saying that I am in favour of a separation but everyone should deal a little more with haredi society and then proclaim his opinion.

Besides the bus issue, who actually knows anything about haredi society and who is trying to learn ?
Do the national religious have a right doing that after what the Mizrachi movement did to the Chassidim during the Holocaust ?


Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel


  1. What did the Mizrachi movement do to chassidim during the Holocaust? This is news to me.

  2. B"H

    There is a whole literature in haredi circles about the Mizrachi movement of Eastern Europe during the Second World War. Rabbi Weissmandel is probably the most famous researcher writing about it and accusing the national religious of just saving themselves.

    There were still visa for Palestine available during the Holocaust but the national religious took care that they were only distributed among their own people. They wanted strong people for building up Palestine. People with good professions and not the too religious Chassidim.
    So, many national religious left and the Chassiidm never had a real chance.

    By the way, it seems the same to me today. From what I see in Israel, many many national religious look down on the Haredim and especially on the Chassidim. It may be the same vice versa, however, the national religious also spread their hatred in their own media.

  3. As someone who has lived his 45 years in both worlds, this is all news to me. In fact, I was under the impression that, with almost no exceptions, the Chareidei leaders told their followers to stay and that it was actually forbidden to go to 'treif' EY or the USA.

    The real irony is that some of these same leaders (Belz, Satmar, Lubavitch, etc.) escaped to either country while their naive followers were murdered.

    I think you're mixing up the RX with the Chilonim (e.g. JNF).

    Please be more careful before spreading vicious slander!!

  4. B"H

    I think that you should be more careful spreading slander and get informed beforehand.

    I have been planning wiritng about the Belzer Rebbe, collected all material and just have to put it together. So far, I haven't found the time yet but I will.

    There is a vast literature on the Belzer and Satmarer rebbe and if the Belzer rebbe really told his Chassiidm to stay. Especially Esther Farbstein in her lastest book "Hidden in Thunder" claims the opposite.

    Maybe you should read some professional literature and talk to people instead of running to certain hateful websites !

  5. So far neither of you have said anything substantial. We can make up whatever notions we like. I found this link at random and find it interesting, but it would be nice to see an informed discussion on this issue.

  6. B"H

    As there is hardly any solution at site, it is almost impossible finding an informed discussion.
    It depends where you stand ?
    Secular, national religious, anything haredi or other ?
    Everyone has his opinion and stickt to it. Thus it depends to whom you want to listen.

    If you are interested in what I think:

    I am against separation of public buses. If Haredim want to travel in a kosher way, so use the "kosher" lines No. 402 from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak (run by Egged) or other haredi bus lines. Even private haredi transportation.

    I do understand the haredi point of view but there are thousands of other Jews in this country and it is impossible to force everybody acting in your particular ways.
