
Friday, April 3, 2009

Shabbat Shalom


Shabbat HaGadol is coming up and I am just finished from all the Pessach cleaning. I don't even want to know how all the women from Chabad, Belz, Toldot Aharon, etc. feel, as they must be more finished than I am. The strict rules in Chabad and the Toldot Aharon are famous and I am glad not to be one of them.

Weather is warm but the rain is supposed to come back on Monday. It looks like the Pessach Seder on Wednesday will be cold and rainy. Let alone the upcoming "Birkat HaChama" ("Blessing of the Sun" every 28 years).

During Chol HaMoed Pessach (the intermediate days of Pessach), the Edah HaCharedit is having another demonstration about Jews selling Chametz on Pessach. Unfortunately, there will be lots of Chametz around; not the one sold by Arabs or Christians but Jews have discovered a new business: Providing many secular with Chametz pizza etc. Even in Jerusalem and not only in Tel Aviv.

Chassidut Karlin - Stolin is having a Tish during Chol HaMoed, as they celebrate the Yahrzeit of their founder Rabbe Aharon the Great. Every other group is having a Tish on the seventh day of Pessach, however, Karlin does not but only for the Yahrzeit. Otherwise the Karliner Rebbe will be staying at his home in Givat Ze'ev.

Shabbat Shalom - Gut Shabbes - to all of you !!!


  1. shabbat shalom, did u now that the karliner rebbe hates publicity?

  2. B"H

    That doesn't surprise me. It looks like he is doing his own business and Givat Zeev and without having the desire to be in the news.

    The Karliner Tish last Chanukkah was the greatest Tish I have ever experienced.

  3. A few weeks ago he spoke for the first time in public on a weekday. It talk him, what? 30 years? I always felt that he feels a little uncomfortable with the title. He's had it since he was 12, I believe.

  4. B"H

    He looks very quiet. So does the Boyaner Rebbe as well.

    I think that I met the Karliner Rebbe's wife last Chanukkah. On holidays or special Tishes, the family always keeps a certain part of the Ezrat Nashim for itself. When you walk in upstairs - to the left.
    However, I didn't know that and stood right behind a woman and her daughters. No one else was around too close and I thought that I am just lucky finding a not so crowded space.

    If it was his wife, she is really really nice.
    Bu the way, it is his second wife though, as he got married for the first time and divorced at a very young age.

  5. He is quite comfortable with the spotlight. He just doesn't believe in the whole "production". In his own seemingly uncomfortable way, he is VERY demanding from his chassidim, with a strong focus on learning, davening and bein adam lichavero. I know this being a chossid myself : )

    That probably was his wife you stood next to. Low key, simple...

    Do you have ANY photos or videos of him? Please let me know;

    Thank you!
