Henny Machlis is the wife of Rabbi Mordechai Machlis and both are known for the incredible Shabbat hospitality.
Last night, Henny was teaching a small group, as her husband had to participate in a Levayeh (funeral).
The Gemara in the Talmud Tractate Bava Metziah 58b teaches that it is forbidden to call another person by a nickname. As, many times, nicknames are negative, we could ashame the other person. The Marahal of Prague (Rabbi Yehudah Loew ben Bezalel, 1525 - 1609) taught that people giving other people nicknames don't recognize the G – dliness in another person.
All of us were created in G – d's image (Zelem E – lo – him) and no human being has the right criticizing G – d's creation. Furthermore, a person doesn't only consist of his outer appearance but everyone should rather look at the soul (Neshama).
The Rambam (Maimonides, 1135 - 1204) explained in his book "The Guide of the Perplexed – Moreh Nevuchim" the expressions "image - zelem" and "likeness - demuth". When it says in the Torah that we were created in the image of G – d, does G – d then have a body or form ?
G – d does neither consist of any kind of form nor matter but is a being we cannot even comprehend let alone understand. ONE G – d without a beginning and without an end. Creating humans in His image means that we have an intellect. We know the difference between Good and Evil. We are able to communicate with G – d and raise ourselves up to higher levels and thus, get closer to our creator.
Every human being in this world is unique. Why he was created and what his purpose in life is ? This is not our task to question.
Henny's second teaching was regarding the tenth Commandment "Lo Tachmod – Do not desire …".
In Judaism we believe in the Divine Providence. Everything and anything happening to us, in our lives, to the world, is arranged by G – d.
But just a second !
What about our famous Free Will ? Don't we make choices in life ?
As a matter of fact, G – d gives us certain abilities or character traits. Even before we are born He decides if we are going to be rich or poor, intelligent or less bright.
Lets say that we have the choice between two jobs or two professions. One of them will lead us to tremendous wealth but we don't know about it. Only G – d is stipulating it. Suddenly we have the choice and if we choose the other way, all the money is gone. The good thing is that we don't have a clue about it.
As soon as someone desires his neighbours property, wife, money, car, job, etc, he shows that he is not satisfied with the portion in life G – d gave him. Or in other words, he is criticizing G – d.
G – d, on the other hand, provides every human with what he needs and gives him the problems he is able to solve. Why then has my neighbour a nicer car and I am driving around with a wreck ?
Only G – d knows the answer, as He has arranged it this way. However, if we start looking behind the scenes carefully, we may find a reason.
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