
Monday, April 27, 2009

Yom HaZikaron


Exactly one week after "Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Memorial Day", Israel is commemorating its fallen soldiers and terror victims. "Yom HaZikaron" is starting with a two minute siren tonight at 8pm.

Shops and any entertainment (cinemas, cafes, etc.) are closing down early this evening. At around 6pm. Make sure you are doing your shopping before !

At 8pm, a two - minute siren sound will be heard all over the country and people stand still. Afterwards countless memorial services are going to take place. The most famous one is the memorial event at the Kotel (Western Wall) where usually the president, the chief - of - staff, Knesset members and parents of fallen soldiers come together.
Anyone can join this event but make sure to arrive early, as security will be on high alert and space is limited.

Tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 11am, another two - minute siren sound will be heard. Schools are offering seminaries and the kids are taken to war museums such as Givat HaTachmoshet in Jerusalem, (Museum of the Six - Day - War, 1967). Furter memorial services are taking place on cemeteries including the one at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

The worst part of the day belongs to the parents of the fallen soldiers and I don't want to know about the private drama going on in each of the families. Yom HaZikaron is always a depressive day because most Israelis knew at least one of the fallen soldiers or terror victims. At the same time we are pretty much aware of the fact that it could be any of us suffering from war or terror.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has his own mourning because he lost his brother Jonathan (Yoni) in Entebbe.


Website of the Israeli army IDF (Israel Defense Force)

Army Volunteer Programs

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