
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Admor News in Brief


Not today but on Erev Lag Ba'Omer:

- Chassidut Belz is having a huge bonfire right in front ot their great Beit Midrash in Kiryat Belz. Starting at around 8pm !

The chassidic world today:

- Bar Mitzwah in Chernobyl - Stropkov: The event is going to take place in Ashdod tonight. The grandchild of the Admor of Chernobyl and his son (father of the child), Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Twersky (married into Stropkov).

- The Admor of Shatz is returning from London to Bnei Brak today. The reason for his trip to London was the collection of donations for his chassidic institutes.

- The Kretchnifer Rebbe (Jersalem) is also returning from London today.

Hopefully he got some donations for his Mosdot, as I like him very much. No one, I have seen so far, dances with such a devotion.

- Boro Park, Olam Ateret Chaya: An event in favour of the Kollel "Shmorei HaChmot" is taking place. The Jerusalemer Gavad, head of the Edah HaChareit, Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, especially came from Israel in order to participate.

"Shomrei HaChomot" ? Doesn't this sound very anti - Zionist ?
Just a question !


  1. What does Gaavad stand for? I was once told, but can't seem to remember.

    To add to the list was the bar mitzvah of the Biala Rebbe's son tonight in Boro Park, but don't know if anyone's interested in that. They had a wonderful choir.

    Is there much you know about the chassidic group Shatz Miriam?

  2. B"H

    As far as I know it is an abbreviation for "Gaon Av Beit Din".
    Rabbi Weiss is the Chief Rabbi of the Edah HaCharedit.

    I once wrote about Shatz briefly but I even forgot. If I have time, I will look up my old notes.
    However, as far as I remember they are mostly in Antwerp / Belgium.
