
Monday, May 18, 2009

The Pope from the "Never Never Land"


After the Pope left Israel and the lie of the Vatican that he never never never had joined the Hitler Youth:

During the Nazi Reich, it was a law for every German Aryan Youth to join the Hitler Youth. First the children went to the "Jungvolk" and later on, as a young teenager, they automatically joined the "Hitler Youth". There was no way around unless parents were looking for severe trouble with the Nazi government.

If the Pope was never part of Hitler's youth organization, he would be the first proclaiming it proudly. Without any break, he would shout it out into the world. Instead we hear nothing but a lie about the Pope's Nazi past. It would have made a better impression if he had admitted that he once was part of the Nazi system.


  1. It amazes me how they can lie so boldly when there is such a well publicized picture of little Josef Ratzinger in his Hitler Jugend uniform and he himself admitted it in one of his books

  2. B"H

    I am not sure but it looks like that this is a Wehrmacht uniform. But it is obvious that he was part of the Hitler Youth, as it was a law.

  3. Wasn't he also part of the vatican inquisition department? And if he was so against the nazis how come he has never in all the years after the war condemned them? He is not only an idol worshipper he is a liar too.

  4. B"H

    Before he became Pope, he used to be the head of the department you would call "The Holy Inquisition" today. If anyone knows if the stolen Jewish Temple Menorah is in the Vatican, it is Ratzinger !
