
Monday, June 15, 2009

Gay Parade in Jerusalem


My original plan was acting the same way, as I did with the gay parade in Tel Aviv. Keep quiet and not giving the participants a platform of feeling important.

However, as the Edah HaCharedit is probably quite happy that the Jerusalem Municipality also won't open the parking lot this Shabbat, further preparations for demonstrations are taking place. Not against opening the municipality parking lot on Shabbat but rather against the Jerusalem gay parade which is scheduled for 3 Tammuz (next week on Thursday).

When I read an anti - gay parade poster from the Edah last Shabbat, I found it quite funny that the date is actually on 3 Tammuz because this is the Yahrzeit of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe (died in 1994). Some Chabadnikim don't call it a Yahrzeit but "the day the Rebbe became invisible". Meaning that the Rebbe is still among us but we are not on the level to see him.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe has nothing to do with the parade but it just entered my mind when I saw the poster.

A colleague of mine was upset because I haven't written anything about some members of Jerusalem's secular population demonstrating against the haredi demonstrations. The reason why I haven't mentioned the secular demonstrations is because I think that their reason is foolish. It wasn't a demonstration for secular rights but a demonstration against THE HAREDIM.

How can anyone demonstrate against a population he doesn't know at all ?

With or without demonstrations, the Jerusalem gay parade is probably taking place. In a very different way than in Tel Aviv though where half of the city center is closed down. Usually the parade in Jerusalem only leads to a few side streets and not through the main roads. Everything is limited, even the time. The whole atmosphere for the gays is different and it doesn't take much to feel that they simply don't belong into the Holy City.


  1. If the Eidah organizers were smart, they would instigate Chabad to riot because it is an affront to their Rebbe to hold a gay parade on Gimel Tammuz.
    As for the less than 200 seculars who actually took time on Shabbat from the beach, TV mowing the lawn and whatever else they do on Shabbat to show up at Safra Parking lot, if they were truly worried about parking, they could volunteer to speak to their Arab friends whom they love more than they love Jews or Israel, to make some money and sell parking spots in their neighborhoods.Just think of it they could raze a few Mosques and use the land for shabbat parking!

  2. B"H

    Actually there is parking space in front of Damascus Gate. Right next to the Arab flea market or whatever this is supposed to be. But there, secular Jews don't park because they fear about their cars.

  3. I find it funny that they burn garbage for many things but the fuss over the gay parade is gone. Little by little the gay parade goes on, quiet now, but soon it will be like TA--I have seen this in other places. They adopt kids now, they want to be "recognized" So does this mean that being hetero will soon be outlawed?? Wasn't that how Rome fell:)

  4. B"H

    I don't think that this will happen in Jerusalem !
