
Friday, June 19, 2009

Ignore the Gay Parade !


The Gavad of the Edah HaCharedit, Rabbi Tuvia Weiss, made the right decision by telling the Edah members not to demonstrate against the Jerusalem gay parade. The parade is due to take place on Thursday next week and it usually differs a lot from the event in Tel Aviv.
In Tel Aviv thousands of non - gays participate because they see the parade as a huge party for everyone. In Jerusalem, however, the parade is much smaller and space limited. The vast majority of Jerusalemites doesnt' want such a parade in the Holy City. No matter if Jewish, Muslim or Christian.

It seems like the gays have a severe psychological problem in terms of accepting themselves. In order to improve their own self - confidence, they got the idea of running a parade. The more non - gays participate, the better, as this is giving the gays the feeling that they are accepted.

The truth is that they are NOT ! And the best way of making this clear is by ignoring them.


  1. I think it is disgusting to allow this in Jerusalem at all! The very reason Sodom & Gomora were destroyed and here we are promoting these abominations in the Holy City! And, yes, I have a problem with the gay parade. What they do in private is their own business and resent being told I not only have to sanction it but now I have to watch! What about my rights--my children and grand-children? Nobody thinks of that.

  2. B"H

    The gays claim that everyone has the freedom of speech and thus, they are allowed having a parade.

  3. this is NOT the reason that jewish sources state for the destruction of sodom and gomorrah -- this is the christian interpretation

    jewish sources -- mishnah and gemarah -- state sodom and gomorrah were destoyed because of their cruelty to their fellow citizens, ie lack of compassion, and because of their lack of hospitality to strangers

    it's fascinating how people always want to project onto classical jewish sources their own prejudices, which ironically often have non-jewish roots

    kol tuv

  4. Right, so Yitzhak, how many gays do you plan to invite for Shabbos--and will you show compassion when they try to teach your children that it is normal for two men to sleep together? I think the point was that most people prefer not to be told that the gay life style is being "normal"

  5. B"H

    Regarding the Gemara Yitzchak quoted:

    It is correct what he says. The Gemara is, as far as I remember, in Sanhedrin 108 or 109.
