
Tuesday, June 2, 2009



I am not too much into the Gematria and Torah Code subject at all, but here is an interesting article concerning the US - President Barak Hussein Obama.

Two Jewish researchers Joel Gallis and Dr. Robert Wolf asserted with utter certainty in May 2007, long before Barack Hussein Obama had won his first primary and when it appeared that Hillary Clinton was a sure thing that he would be the next president of the United States.

More recently in August 2008 the scholars reported that Obama's name "intersects" with a passage in the apocalyptic book of Daniel Chapter 7 and specifically Daniel 7:25 which speaks of the last "king" who would oppress God's people under the rubric of bringing about "change" to the world.

The scholars show that the numerical equivalent of "Barack Hussein Obama" in gematria – the practice of finding the numerical value of letters and creating associations between words and phrases – is 501.

In an article from August 2008 the scholars elaborate that this number is associated with the "end of days" and two factors that they say the Torah indicate would trigger the apocalypse: the rise of Islam and the fact that Jews are bring about their own fall – by overwhelming helping to elect Obama:

The connection is that the descendants of Yishmael are the evil that will befall the Jewish People at that time. We will anger G - d through the work of our handsבמעשה ידיכם (a gematria of 501)and the evil of the ישמעאלים (also a gematria of 501) will befall us. So what could we have possibly done with our hands that would anger Hashem? With our very own hands we finance and work to put the wrong people in power over us. This action results in our downfall. By putting into power leaders in Israel who don’t believe in G-d we help bring about a spiritual collapse. And by electing dangerous leaders in America and other countries we assist in bringing our physical and moral downfall. We vote for these people we put them in power and we raise money for them. This inappropriate work of our hands will bring evil upon us in the form of Yishmael.
For not only is 501 the value of במעשה ידיכם (the work of our hands) and our punishment the ישמעאליםbut it is also connected to the next President of the United States that we are helping put in power through Jewish efforts. For 501 is also the gematria of ראש representing the new heador leader of America.

So who will be the new ראש of America? Our readers probably will be shocked to learn that 501 is also the gematria of ברק חוסיין אובאמהBarack Hussein Obama.

Hashem watches as countless Jews especially in Hollywood California rush to send their money to Obama’s campaign chest. And so with our own hands we are in the process of taking a descendant from Yishmael and placing him as our Rosh in the White House just 7 years after 9/11. He is indeed the evil that will befall us at the end of days the evil that Moses spoke to our ancestors about.

But there are those who argue that Obama is youthful and energized in his appearance and his ideas. Why shouldn’t we believe him when he says the magic words that he is a friend of Israel? How do we really know he’s dangerous to us? Not only is his name the same gematria as Yishmaelim evidencing that he is a Muslim although he denies it but it also has a further connection to a wave of impending evil against the Jews and the rest of the world.

At our Passover seders we spill a drop of wine when we mention each of the 10 plagues and also when we mention the abbreviation of those plagues by saying דצך עדש באחב . Well this abbreviation of the 10 plagues also has a gematria of 501 the same as Barack Hussein Obama and the Yishmaelim.

Obama and radical Muslims will bring as much havoc destruction and confusion to the world as all the 10 plagues together brought to Egypt. It’s interesting how Rabbi Yehudah who made the acrostic or abbreviation of the plagues took the first Hebrew letter of each plague. However with respect to the last plagueמכת בכרותthe killing of the first born he took the bais (the first letter of the 2nd word of the plague) rather than the mem (the first letter of the first word). Perhaps he knew that in the future during the end of days there would be an Obama. Perhaps his message is a warning to us that has been encoded in the Haggadah for nearly 2 thousand years until today.

The foreign minister of Hamas has recently endorsed Obama for president. The Los Angeles Times devoted a lengthy front-page story headlined“Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama.”

Ali Abunimaha resident of Obama’s district claims that Obama said several years ago when running for the Senate that he was sorry he couldn’t talk more about the Palestinian cause since his primary campaign had constrained what he could say.

Daniel 7 (25) deals with the last king of the 4th beast of exile who will humble 3 other kings. Rav Saadia Gaon stated that the 3 kings or leaders who will be humble dare from Israel Greece (representing Europe) and Yishmael (representing the Arab nations). This haughty arrogant king will speak words against G - d and the Jewish People and he will try to change the times and the law. How interesting is it that this very wordchangeis the key word used by Obama in his campaign?

The codedend of days message that Yaakov gave over to his sons was not deciphered by them. But our generation the generation alive at the end of dayscan understand the clues and break the code.

In Yaakov’s statement there are 4 words אשר יקרא אתכם באחרית (that will befall you in the end). The word אשר that describes the identity of the evil has a gematria of 501 the same as Barack Hussein Obama. And if you look at the word באחריתin the endthe first 3 letters contain the initials of Obama. The bais is for ברק Barackthe aleph is for אובאמה Obamaand the ches is for חוסיין Hussein.

The scholars using the clues of the book of Daniel say that Obama will reign as "King" for three and a half years. In their May broadcast they ascribe special significance to the date of April 8, 2009, the day before the festival of Passover (Pesach) when the once-in-28-years "Blessing of the Sun" is to be recited. They believe that between now and that date there will be dramatic developments that involve Iran.


Israel Insider

Redemption 5768

Torah Code. NET


  1. Try Gematria and Bible Code.

    Here you will find that George Walker Bush WAS the threat, thus his name is asociated with number 666 time and time again. Far to many times for a sane mind to perceive as merely coincidental.

  2. B"H

    In Judaism, the number 66 oder 666 doesn't have any meaning but only in Xtianity.

    Furthermore, Jews have to be careful, as there is a Xtian Torah Code - which is, of course, according to the Xtian's Bible understanding and translation.

    And there is the JEWISH Torah Code !!!
    Sometimes on the web, people may get a little lost with all the differences and they need to pay more attention !!!

  3. Miriam,

    Have your heard Obama's speech this afternoon?
    I got the deep feeling that he really beliefs to be a new messiah.
    That's what I understood as he stated that in the Christian bible is stated peacemakers are blessed and shall be called a son of G"d.
    Unbelievable...and outrageous too.
    This related to your Gematria article...



  4. B"H

    Americans should better watch out what is going on with their country. I may sound like a psychopath but I do believe that Obama is slowly slowly showing his true Muslim face.

    He is a desaster for the United States and for Israel. A total security risk who doesn't see reality.

    Usually I am not into these codes and predictions but it looks like this time, they are right.

    Shabbat Shalom
