
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Riots in Mea Shearim


Last Erev Shabbat (Friday night), the streets of Ge'ulah and Mea Shearim were covered with a flyer published by the Edah HaCharedit. Locals were asked to participate in a demonstration taking place at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on Shabbat.

The Edah decided to protest after the Jerusalem mayor, Nir Barkat, didn't cancel the plan of opening the Mamilla parking lot on Shabbat. The municipality thinks that by opening the parking lot right across Jaffa Gate the incoming traffic could be managed easier. Usually Shabbat is the day when secular Israelis decide visiting the Kotel (Western Wall) and taking a shopping tour through the Arab Quarter. People are coming from all over the country and the parking situation downtown Jerusalem is a complete catastrophe. In order to make things easier, the Mamilla parking lot should be kept open without any charge on Shabbat.

The Edah HaCharedit went wild and yesterday evening, garbage cans were burnt in Shivtei Israel Street (right across the Toldot Aharon Synagogue). The Haredim claimed violence coming from the police and the police claimed that the Haredim were too violent. Also different figures of participants have been published: The Edah says that 15.000 Haredim were demonstrating whereas the police states that only approx. 1000 people took part in the demonstration.

So far, there hasn't been an agreement between the Edah and the Jerusalem's municipality. Another question is: Where is Chassidut Gur ? We hear nothing from their side. Wasn't it Gur taking care that the secular Nir Barkat became the mayor of Jerusalem ?

All pictures can be viewed here:


  1. so ur anti charadi today?

  2. B"H

    Why am I anti - haredi today ?

    The Edah and Chassidut Gur are two different pairs of shoes, that's all.

  3. I like the picture of two police choking a single guy. My questions is why don't they just leave the lots in Mea Shearim closed? It might do some of those fat tourists some good to do a bit of walking for a change!!

  4. B"H

    The lots are not too far away from Mea Shearim but not directly located in the neighbourhood. However, anybody walking through Jaffa Gate into the Old City will see what is going on. Traffic and parked cars.

    So far, Jerusalem has always managed the traffic on Shabbat but besides, I don't understand why especially on Shabbat, the secular have to go shopping. Shopping - why not but in the Arab Quarter ?

  5. the reason why the protests are taking place is because the car park belongs to city, the status quo always said that city will not be involved, Nir Barakat doesnt know what he has started! but i think he will lose this one.
    as for gur, they sold the shabbat to Barakat. they actually gave it to him on a platter of silver.

  6. B"H

    I thought it is also because the municipality has to employ extra staff for the lot on Shabbat.
    Well, actually they could take Russians, as they already do at their headquarter.

  7. So sick that chassidim think that violence will solve the problem. Just yesterday in Kiryas Joel in New York there was a mini-riot reported on the news, when local police took down illegal lighting that was intended for a chasunah from the Rebbe's family. Why didn't they just get a permit? Instead they threw bottles and eggs and the police. Real smart.

  8. B"H

    Usually riots for them are a successful threat. The national religious have never succeeded in that.:-)

    The only thing I can say is that the second demonstartion took place on Mozzaei Shabbat.
