
Friday, June 12, 2009

Shabbat Shalom


Escaping to Jerusalem today - what can I say.
The Tel Aviv gay parade is starting soon and I already saw people dressed in clothes, a normal person wouldn't even imagine.

In Jerusalem, things may be a little more relaxt today, as the police announced that the Safra parking lot is not opening this and next Shabbat. The announcement took place in order to avoid further confrontations with the haredi population. Maybe also because eventually the Gerrer Rebbe took into consideration arriving at the special prayer service in Bar Ilan Street tonight.
Chassidut Gur has a tremendous political influence and, furthermore, Gur is also the leading group within the Knesset party "Yahadut HaTorah".

But even if the Haredim may win over Mayor Nir Barkat, they are already preparing for the next war. Demonstrations against the Jerusalem gay parade.

Nevertheless, have a great Shabbat, Shabbat Shalom and Gut Schabbes !

I am going to spend my Shabbat mostly in Mea Shearim and hope not to face any burning demonstration garbage.


  1. just for your info!
    gur arent running Yahudut Hatorah and gur arent politcally powerful.

    BTW gur wont ever do anything about the gay parade........

  2. B"H

    Since when is Yaakov Litzmann not running the Yahadut HaTorah ?
    They may not be that powerful as bigger parties but they do have a certain influence.

    The only activists against the gay parade mostly come from the Edah. Gur wouldn't participate, that's right.
