I have just been to the Carmel Market downtown buying some food for Shabbat and now I am dripping. I feel like I am standing under a shower. Unfortunately, only a shower of sweat.
It is unbelievable hot in Tel Aviv and, at least at the moment, I am even jealous of those chassidic women shaving off their hair.
Give me razor and I am shaving off my wet hair !
Maybe people from Florida can understand our humidity.
I am staying in the heat of Tel Aviv this Shabbat and, as I am a little sick of mostly going to Chabad here, I will try out another Synagogue from a totally different chassidic group.
Once Tel Aviv used to be the Israeli "capital" of chassidic groups and there are actually still some remains here although most Rebbes and groups moved over to Bnei Brak.
"Shabbat Shalom - Gut Schabbes" to all readers !
Besides Synagogue, food, some beach and sweating around, I am planning to learn my new Hebrew - Yiddish dictionary almost by heart.
"... as I am a little sick of mostly going to Chabad here,..."
ReplyDeleteNow was this comment necessary? Didn't you think of the feelings of Chabadniks or others like myself, who read your posts, would find your comment offensive. If you have nothing nice to write, don't write it. Think before you type.
Have a gut Shabbos.
ReplyDeleteI am not a Chabad site and don't make any PR for them. In fact, I wrote quite a few criticial things about them and I will probably do so again because Gimmel Tammuz is coming up.
I write what I think and no one has to tell me how and what to do that.
Relax, Anonymous #1,
ReplyDeleteRemember English isn't Miriam's first language. I think she just meant she's getting tired of going to the same place over and over again, nothing against Chabad specifically. Am I right, Miriam?
Believe me, they don't need your PR. With their tremendous acts of chesed and ahavas yisroel to Yidden all over the world, PR is not necessary. May I suggest that before you make any criticisms against chabad, really think about it. You will have to make an accounting for it in Shamayim, and this is for any group you criticize, chassidish, litvish,etc.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I find it very hypocritical of you to criticize a group of Yidden who open their homes so you can have Shabbos. That shows that you have a lack of hakaros hatov.
Have a Good Shabbos.
ReplyDeleteAs Matt said, it wasn't a direct criticism on Chabad.
But I still want to say something. Actually what I don't like about Chabad although people told me that elderly Chabadnikim are very different from the young ones.
It is not only Chabad opening their homes on Shabbat but also many many other Chassiidm !!! Even in Mea Shearim, believe it or not.
Chabad differs from others, as they always stress their own ideology. As if nothing else exists. They neither talk nor teach about other chassidic groups. Once you are Chabad and calling yourself a member, this is it. Then you only learn Chabad ideology. However, there are plenty of other groups with plenty to offer.
And let me tell you that Chabad to me sometimes seems a little boring. I suppose it was different when they still had a Rebbe but I do prefer going to other groups because there is a Tish, a Rebbe and thus a very different (lively) atmosphere !
Not that you need a Rebbe but just look at Breslov in Mea Shearim (the old original ones). They are very lively and many times on Erev Shabbat, they have great singing and dancing with an amazing atmosphere.
The second point is that, as soon as one may say something "negative" about Chabad, Chabad immediately feels offended. No other group is taking every little word as an offense.
As I mentioned above, elderly Chabadnikim still seem to know something about different Chassiduyiot and they also speak Yiddish.
Shavua Tov
Can't believe all the blether floating around. This is Miriam's blog--to write what she wants! If ya don't like it--don't read it! But don't expect people to change to your ways. I don't always agree with the viewpoint, but I love seeing another point of view--thanks Miriam!
ReplyDeleteGuys may sometimes think that they have the right telling women what to do.:-)
And that coming from a TA addict ;-)
ReplyDeleteEven in Toldot Aharon the women have an opinion !!!
You guys just think that a bald woman (I do have hair) also has her brain cut out.:-)
LOL I think the point is if your walking behind the husband we don't have to listen to the point of view - no? :D
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't accept those kind of Takanot.:-) Why don't you shave your hair ?
U go first and I will follow lol. Nu post the tanakot :)
ReplyDeleteI am not going anywhere. Freedom for my hair !!!
I have to look for the Takanot today and I will publish them. Be prepared because it also includes that when you want to travel out of town (Jerusalem) for more than three days, you have to ask the Rebbe for permission.
I always wonder how this technically works.
And when you don't behave according to the Takanot, they give you special warnings and time periods to do Teshuve.
I love this stuff post it! and find the rooms in the courtyard lol
ReplyDeleteI haven't had the time watching the videos from the Neturei Karta. By the way, do you know that the NK actually came from Rabbi Aharon Roth ?
I met with a NK yesterday, was very interesting. the english man in the first video I sent you is based in London and I think is head of NK community here. I got some literature in English from them, I could scan some and send it to you...
ReplyDeleteDo they have a courtyard?? lol