
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yassamnik as a messianic "Jew"


When I saw pictures of the police unit "Yassam" fighting the haredi demonstration last night, I remembered an article I read on the Israeli anti - missionary site "
Jewish Israel". There, Ellen Horowitz reported about one of those Yassam cops converting to Christianity.
In case this particular cop may have been involved in the fights last night: Are messianic "Jews" now offcially allowed to harass the haredi population ?

Of course, there was violence on both sites. However, if Yassam employs a messianic "Jew" fighting real Jews, this gives us a whole different picture and the wider public should know about it.

Here is the article:

Posted by Ellen W. Horowitz


  1. I read Ellen's article and it made me sick. There are also pictures with this guy shoving orthodox Jews around whose only crime was holding a small sign saying no missionaries. I think our government should give the boot to these guys--they are anti-semitics of the worst kind. Kick all the xtians out too--we have enough problems to deal with!

  2. B"H

    Why don't you tell this to Arutz 7 or Yad le'Achim ?

  3. B"H

    Messianic = Avodah Zarah (Idol Worship) !!!

    Idol worship is one of the severest, if not the severest, sin the Torah is mentioning.

  4. B"H

    And Messianic:

    Sell your idol worship items somewhere else and don't imitate true Judaism !

  5. "Messianic Jew" is an oxymoron. This is more than simple idol worship--it is the worst kind of evil because they claim to be Jews and they steal Jewish souls for idol worship--to a pagan bastard no less. Send them to Iran so they can try to convert achmadinajoke.

  6. the truth about the mistaken jewish soul
