
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Be careful with TNUVA, STRAUSS and DANONE products


When you come to Israel, you think that most of the food here should be kosher. At least the food manufactured by well - known companies such as TNUVA, for instance. TNUVA, besides STRAUSS and TARA is the biggest producer of dairy foods in Israel.


However, watch out and double check !
Many TNUVA, STRAUSS and DANONE joghurts or cheeses contain "Avkat Chalav Nochri - Nochri Milk Powder" !

Not that "Gentile Milk Powder" is not kosher but religious Jews keeping a stricter Kashrut refrain from consuming such products. Also due to kabbalistic reasons, as Nochri milk may influence the soul.
In case you do keep a strict Kashrut, be aware and check the labels of each of those goods. Even the smallest joghurt.
However, TARA seems to be absolutely kosher in every respect.


  1. Here in the us many charedim and most non charedim rely on the p'sak from R' moshe Feinstein that you may eat cholov stam ,are people in israel more machmir?

  2. B"H

    Being abroad, many times you don't have another choice but in Israel there is. If we have kosher milk, why then should we use or consume "Nochri Milk Powder". I don't even know why TNUVA or Strauss are doing such things.

  3. one thing i don't understand about the milk issue, if all milk (chalav israel or not) are taken from the cows by machine, who inspects it? who can possibly check if there's any blood spot in it? the non jewish milk powder matter should receive a further explanation if it's a real problem of kashrut

  4. B"H

    I don't know too much about rabbinic milk supervision but will ask a Belzer Mashgiach.

    So far, it very much depends if the milk was milked on Shabbat. Usually such milk is not used although the cow has to be milked.
