
Monday, July 27, 2009

Chassidut Erloi


Some interesting details about Chassidut Erloi:

History of Erloi

Erloi Customs:

In the first years following the Second World War, Rav Yochanan did not wear a shtreimel – only several years later did he begin to wear one, and also to conduct tishen. In Erloi, the kehilla as a whole is not makpid to wear a gartel for davening, and the nusach hatefilla is nusach Ashkenaz, according to the custom of the Sofer family, and the custom of most Jews originating from Hungary. This is in contrast to most other chassidic courts, which daven in nusach Sefard. Yet despite these factors, Erloi chassidim have the practice of reciting the entire sefer Tehillim in unison before the Shabbos prayers begin, according to the custom in Skver. In addition, the Admor has adopted the Radziner practice of dying one thread of the tzitzis blue, in accordance with the opinion of the Radziner Rebbe that the creature used nowadays to make the blue dye is in fact the chilazon mentioned in the Torah as the source of techeiles.


  1. Sorry for the dumb question, but do you know which cities they are in? Is this a place where outsiders can attend a tish? Thanks for the article.

  2. B"H

    There are no dumb questions.:-)

    I don't know where you are located but you can find some Erloier in New York. Most of them live in Jerusalem and in case that you are here, they are located right next to Rachel Imenu Street in Katamon. You enter Rachel Imenu from Emek Refa'im and take the after 200m take a turn to the left. There you find their Beit Midrash.

    Furthermore they are to be found in Bnei Brak and in Beitar.

  3. Hello,

    indeed the Rebbe Rav Yochanan is in katamon , the name of the street is Yotam n°1 a big builind this is the Yeshiva of Erloi
