
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chassidut Gur and the African Refugees


I didn't know that there is a Gerrer (Gur) community in the town of Arad. About Ashdod I knew but Arad ... Nevertheless it is nice to know the Gerrer there, as Arad is flooded with Christian missionaries.

And it is in the Negev town Arad where Chassidut Gur is facing some severe difficulties at the moment. 1000 refugees from Sudan are living right across their apartment complex and now Gur has complained to the local mayor.

Gerrer Chassidim

For some time, Israel has been flooded with refugees from Africa and as the Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Chulda'i threw most of them out, the refugees went to Lod and also seemingly to Arad. The refugees are confronting Israel with many problems, as most of them are Muslims. They are not wanted by the local population, don't integrate and are mostly used as cheap workers. But I do have to say that they learn Hebrew quite fast and are able to communicate.

Chassidut Gur, however, doesn't want the black refugees in its neighbourhood and we will see what is going to happen. If anything is happening at all.


  1. "They (...) don't integrate"

    Is this not also an adequate description of Gerer Chassidim?

  2. B"H

    Ironically speaking YES.:-)

    However, the Gerrer are taking part in elections and in Jerusalem we severely see the result; with Nir Barkat as mayor.

  3. Black on black?

  4. The Gerer Rebbe has been convincing young couples to move to Arad for a while now for cheap housing. In addition, it looks like Ger might be traveling back in time to the shtetls of Europe. The Rebbe wants young couples to get married on Friday afternoon now, as was the custom in Europe, so that the Friday night meal is also the wedding meal, saving money. And isn't there a cap on shtreimels for Gerers as well? What was it? Nothing above $800?

  5. B"H

    As a Chassid with Streimel and on that clothes, I would not like to live in Arad. The town is in the middle of the desert and has an extremely hot and dry climate.

    I think Arad still falls under the catergory of being a "developement town". There is hardly any industry and hardly anything to do. New immigrants without any big chance go there. Or Tel Aviv and Jerusalem send those people there who are looking for social housing. The big cities are overbooked for social housing and sometimes one has to wait for ten years to finally get an apartment. In town like Arad or Dimona there is always something available but not work.

    I don't know why the Gerrer Rebbe chose Arad and not something nicer up north.:-)

  6. I live in Jerusalem and my area is also being over-run by africans, now indians and asians. They don't work, don't want to integrate, but worse, the men stand around in groups on the street making it almost impossible for a woman to pass. If one has to come home in the evening you would have to walk many streets out of your way. It is the first time I have been afraid to walk to my home. This is only in the last 6 to 8 months but is getting worse. Exactly why are we allowing these people in the country?
