
Monday, July 20, 2009

The Hidden Side of the Story


I am not intending to turn this blog into a court case report. However, the accused mother is a big topic all over Israel and, by accident, I found some almost unpublished pictures.

The following pictures of the mother is in the news all the time:

The accused woman at the court yesterday. But does she really look like Toldot Aharon ?
Photo: Kikar.Net

However, the pictures below are not too well - known and the haredi forum "Chadrei HaCharedim" claims that many officials in Israel don't want the pictures published.

See why !

Police violence at the haredi demonstrations


  1. B"H

    The next court hearing is taking place at 4pm this afternoon !

  2. These guys deserve it. They are the ones who started the violence. The police have every right to react back with violence or things could get even further out of control. You know it's interesting. Over the past few weeks I've lost just about all the respect I've built up for this sector of the community over the past few years as a ba'al teshuva.

  3. B"H

    Don't forget that there is violence on both sides !

    And don't forget that it is not THE HAREDIM but only a certain part of haredi society. You cannot blame everyone !

  4. I'm not blaming everyone, but I am surprised that large majority is in support. When you read the comments on sites like vosizneias you just become sick. Chareidim from all over the world agreeing, and talking about how important it is to keep up the demonstrations.

  5. B"H

    I am not reading all those sites and comments on purpose ! I am sick of hearing certain so - called religious opinions from abroad where hardly anyone knows the Toldot Aharon or details about Mea Shearim.

    I also hate when American Yeshiva guys come to Israel and think they can make a big fuss by taking part in the demonstrations. Mostly because they are bored and where sent to Israel because they already had trouble at home.

    I can tell you that the ordinary Israeli is against the mother because they saw the pictures of the child in the press. They shouldn't have been published but, unfortunately, it happened.

    But there are Israeli papers, news agencies, exaggerating and just running after the case in a Yellow Press manner. Always for sensation and trying to manipulate.

    In Israel we have a different feeling about all that. I am not at all justifying the mother but it is well - known that the secular press loves to blame the haredi world. No matter who.

    On the other hand, what do all the Haredim know about the case ?
    The israeli haredi side "Chadrei HaCharedim" just published witness reports from Harediyot who saw the mother abusing her child. And those women now fear about their lives.

    The text is in Hebrew only. Sorry !
