Whoever is behind (the Edah HaCharedit) the above Pashkevili, is attacking the haredi newspaper "HaModiah". The Pashkevili is not only to be found glued on the Mea Shearim walls but was also thrown all over the streets as flyers.
The Pashkevili claims that "HaModiah" doesn't miss an opportunity reporting about important events and even the demonstrations in Iran weren't left out. But when it comes to the war for the holy Shabbat, hence the Edah demonstrations, the paper keeps quiet.
In Israel, "HaModiah" is mostly run by Chassidut Gur and it was Gur voting the secular Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat into his position. Barkat was chosen as a revenge act in order not to let the haredi candidate Me'ir Porush succeed. Porush and the Ministry of Education gave Gur a hard time and thus the Gerrer Rebbe saw the right time for personal revenge.
Maybe Gur is going secular:)
ReplyDeleteIt's not because of Ger. Or maybe that's part of the reason. Hamodia is so afraid to report any trace of lashon harah or something bad about the community that they often either leave out key parts of a story or label what sometimes is clearly a chilul Hashem as a kidush Hashem. They just won't portray the Charedi community in a bad light no matter what the commnunity has done. I stopped reading Hamodia for the news long ago.
ReplyDeleteHaModiah could report about the demonstration and, at the same time, present them in a positive light. I mean present the reason as positive: Keeping Shabbat in Jerusalem !
However, the reason why they don't must be political, as HaModiah tends to Yahadut HaTorah and Agudat Israel and not at all to the Edah.
By the way, after the whole thing with Me'ir Porush, many Israeli Haredim cancelled their HaModiah subscription !
It's true. If a story doesn't paint the frum community in a positive light then Hamodia won't report on it.
ReplyDeleteBut why then is Mea Shearim complaining ? Shouldn't the know the HaModiah policy ?