
Friday, July 3, 2009

Yahrzeit of the Klausenberger Rebbe


This Wednesday, we celebrated the Yahrzeit of the famous Klausenberger Rebbe,
Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah Halberstam. He passed away in Jun 1994.

When religious Jews talk about the sufferings during the Holocaust, the Klausenberger Rebbe is almost always mentioned. He lost his wife and children in the gas chambers. After his auschwitz survival he founded a new family, many years later came to Israel and in Netanya he founded Kiryat Zanz and the famous Laniado Hospital


  1. What was the story behind the hospital? I believe he was shot by a Nazi for moving too slow on one of the marches, and he promised Hashem that if he recovered from his wound he would build a hospital to serve all Jews.

  2. Once at a tisch as a bachur was passing he asked the bachur to do something for him. He responded "I'll see what I could do." He said "come here! You'll see what you could do? You'll see what you could do??? When I was in Europe before the war, I was a weakling. I was so weak that they needed to hold the gemara up in front of me at night. But when I was in the camps they made us climb steep hills, up and down, with heavy loads on our backs. We did it to live. So don't say 'I'll see what I could do.' You have much more strength than you ever imagined. Hashem gave you the ability to do whatever it is that you need to do."

  3. B"H

    While putting in the video, I had the same thought. I will try finding out the reason after Shabbat.

  4. This is the history from the hospital website: Yes, he was shot in the shoulder. Read the rest at this link.
