
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back from Hebron


This morning, I left quite early for Hebron. I have never really been there except for passing through on a bus and getting stoned. This was years ago but Hebron still shows lots of tentions. The city is divided between Jews and Arabs. The Jews only possess a quarter of the city and I always had to be careful where to walk and depended on Israeli soldiers showing me the way. Once I didn't feel too save because I was surrounded by Arab kids and teenagers but I remeained calm and just kept on walking.

My main destination was, of course, the Ma'arat HaMachpelah" where our forefathers and Adam and Eve (Chava) are buried. I was shocked because there were old green covers made out of fabric covering the graves of Avraham and Sarah. The covers had a golden inscription in Arabic. I had not expected the Machpelah looking so Arab in its design. As expected, the "Yitzchak Hall" was closed and only accessible for Arabs.

Why Yitzchak ? Why not Avraham ? What do Muslims have to do with Yitzchak ?

I am still on a little vacation but I am going to give lots of details on Hebron this week.


  1. B"H

    Thanks for the link !

    I didn't know that Muslims consider him as a prophet. Basically all three halls, Olam Avraham, Olam Yitzchak and Olam Yaakov belong to the Muslims in the Machpelah. However, Olam Yitzchak is only open for Jews dring Pessach and Sukkot.
