
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Be Aware of Non - Kosher Meat !


A few days ago, a truck coming from Ramallah and transporting 1600 kg meat to Jerusalem was caught by the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. The Palestinian driver was known to the police and already has a criminal record. The meat on the truck neither had any valid date of expiry nor a Hechsher (kosher certificate). It was supposed to be sold in Jerusalem where the customers would think that it is fresh kosher meat.

Especially now before the high holidays (Rosh HaShana this years starts on the evening of the 18th September), food prices just jump. The prices on the Machane Yehudah Market in Jerusalem are ridiculously high and, at the moment, the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv is still affordable. Some colleagues from the bakery that the best and cheapest place for buying food in Jerusalem is the "Ramy Levy" chain in the Talpiot neighbourhood. "Ramy Levy" would be so cheap and not a cheat like Machane Yehudah.

Prices for fish, pomegranates, honey, meat, fruit and vegetables are expected to rise even more a week before Rosh HaShana, and I would recommend that you should start your shopping for the Chag (holiday) soon.

Authorities, however, gave out the warning that the inhabitants of Jerusalem should only buy your meat at places you know. Otherwise they may end up with old rotten non - kosher meat from Palestinians.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, even at so called reliable stores (remember the Monsey chicken scandal), there is always a my wife says "bei mir iz alle di zelbe zach" We go to a local butcher whom we know personally, and trust. Of course, she comes from "di alter heim", where they would take the chicken to the local traveling shoichet...chadesh yomeini k'kedem!
