
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cherem against "Kupat Cholim Me'uchedet"

The accused mother
Photo: Kikar Shabbat


Just recently, the chassidic group Toldot Aharon placed a ban on the Israeli medical care "Kupat Cholim Me'uchedet". The entire group left Me'uchedet.

Now further haredi directions are concidering a ban (Cherem) on the Kupat Cholim. The Toldot Aharon, however, claim that Me'uchedet informed the social workers and the social workers called the police. Thus, the mother got arrested.

Me'uchedet.Co.IL Logo

I am still not sure to what kind of (haredi) direction I belong but I am not leaving Me'uchedet, as I am more than pleased with them.:-)


  1. I also will not be leaving unless the Rebbe of Toldos Aharon is willing to pay for my family to go private. I'm NOT changing to another Kupah that's for sure.
    This is the first time I am hearing of this so I guess it hasnt spilled over into Ramat Beit Shemesh aleph yet!

  2. B"H

    In case you are Toldot Aharon, the group has already left Me'uchedet. At least, as far as I have heard.:-)))

    It seems like is has been, more or less, quiet in Ramat Beit Shemesh so far. Most demonstrations took place in Mea Shearim or Bar Ilan Street. But I think that as soon as the mother is going to court, the demonstrations are also taking place in Beit Shemesh.:-)
