
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dr. Mordechai Kedar on the FATACH Conference in Bethlehem


Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Professor at the Bar Ilan University, is providing us with some Insights about Arafat's Fatach, the terror group Hamas as well as detailed information on the recent Fatach - Conference in Bethlehem.

Here is a further interview: AL JAZEERA interviewed Dr. Kedar concerning the question to whom Jerusalem belongs to ?
The Al Jazeera" journalist is sitting at the left side and Mordechai Kedar is a the right sight.

Worth watching, as Dr. Kedar is finishing off the Al Jazeera guy with his specific arguments.

1 comment:

  1. Mordechai Kedar speaks fluent Arabic and is a specialist in Arabic relations. He is simply awesome!! We need people like him in our government. He knows the facts, and is not afraid to speak out--as his interview with Al Jazeera shows! Yay for Dr. Kedar!!
