Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Professor at the Bar Ilan University, is providing us with some Insights about Arafat's Fatach, the terror group Hamas as well as detailed information on the recent Fatach - Conference in Bethlehem.
Here is a further interview: AL JAZEERA interviewed Dr. Kedar concerning the question to whom Jerusalem belongs to ?
The Al Jazeera" journalist is sitting at the left side and Mordechai Kedar is a the right sight.
Worth watching, as Dr. Kedar is finishing off the Al Jazeera guy with his specific arguments.
Mordechai Kedar speaks fluent Arabic and is a specialist in Arabic relations. He is simply awesome!! We need people like him in our government. He knows the facts, and is not afraid to speak out--as his interview with Al Jazeera shows! Yay for Dr. Kedar!!