
Monday, August 10, 2009

Looking for Author of an "Anti - Toldot Aharon" Book


By accident, if there are accidents in this world, I found an interesting book describing the split of the Toldot Aharon after their previous Rebbe, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn, passed away. About 13 years ago.

There is no author mentioned and the editor is as follows:

3219 Yoonge St. Suite 410
Toronto, Ontario
M4N - 2L3

Furthermore, there is a phone and fax number.

The book is called:

ספר נס להתנוסס

Basically the small book with only about 81 pages is showing the will of Rebbe Avraham Yitzchak Kahn and trying to prove that certain people (the names are mentioned in the book) of the Toldot Aharon had a special interest in appointing the present Rebbe, Rabbi David Kahn, as the new Toldot Aharon Rebbe.

These people were "doing their best" in trying to influence the old weak Rebbe but the Rebbe himself didn't give in and wanted his oldest son, Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Kahn, as his successor. Therefore, these particular people were forging the will of Rebbe Avraham Yitzchak.

In fact, there are handwritten pages from the will showing crossed out sentences being replaced by new contents. The author of the book claims that the opponents of Rebbe David Kahn are the true followers of Rebbe Avraham Yitzchak and want to bring about justice. Furthermore, they sent the pages of the will to several handwriting consultants and those consultants proved that the additions made in the will are fakes. Not written by Rebbe Avraham Yitzchak but by strangers.

I would like to get in touch with the author of this book and keep it confidential. My intention is only to ask him a few questions, as some facts he is giving are contradictory. And why should all this be of such a great interest today, as the majority of the Toldot Aharon members voted for Rabbi David Kahn as their new Rebbe ?

I suppose that someone from the Toldot Avraham Yitzchak may be the author and if he is willing to answer some brief questions, I would be glad.

As I said, I would keep it strictly confidential !


  1. The auther is r weberman rh slonim .if they havn't moved

  2. B"H

    May I ask why a Rabbi from the Slonim would write such a book ?

    By the way, the Slonim in Mea Shearim or those in Bnei Brak ?

  3. Rehov slonim 15 or 17 . TAY hasid.
